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Re: Select Whole, When There are Multiple Lines

Ahmad Ismail wrote on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 11:29 +00:00:
> I mean when there are multiple lines on the prompt, the keybinding
> only works for the line where the cursor is. How can I select all
> lines using ctrl-A

This works:

zle -N f
bindkey '^T' f
echo foo^V^Jecho bar^T    # In this line, ^X means to press Ctrl+X

It doesn't work in some other cases.  It works when $BUFFER is
multiline and $PREBUFFER is empty, but it doesn't work when $BUFFER is
single-line and the previous content is in $PREBUFFER.  You might be
able to simulate that with 'P' ranges in region_highlight and
overriding widgets that operate on the region, but it might be easier
to just use edit-command-line.

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