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Re: Disabling null elision (was: Re: Most Recent File)

On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 1:41 PM Daniel Shahaf <d.s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I don't see why a function's caller should decide whether the callee
> should or shouldn't elide nulls.  I think the function's author should
> make that decision. [...]  Having some
> way to provide packaged code to others in a way that the code will
> run under predictable syntax would be nice…

Isn't that what

emulate zsh [options] -c 'autoload -U packagebootstrapper'

is for?  Yeah, some syntactic sugar would be nice (e.g., it's a pain
to have to quote the argument of the -c option, rather than [say]
using a code block in braces).

Anyway, we haven't yet explored all the ramifications of changing null
elision.  What effect does it have on $(...) in an array context, for
example?  Any?

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