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Re: zstat

On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 7:25 AM zzapper <zsh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have zstat on my system (mint) & works just fine.
> I don't have it if I run
>  > zsh -f
> e.g. I don't have this zmodload -F zsh/stat in my .zsh* configs

And presumably you also don't have zmodload without the -F.

> Q1) Can you help

That remains to be seen.

> Q2) How do you find out where you might have configured an zsh add-on etc

Place this in your .zshenv:

function zmodload() { builtin zmodload "$@" }
functions -T zmodload

This should print a trace each time zmodload is run.  (If it doesn't,
check that you haven't changed $ZDOTDIR)

Then run

zsh -o sourcetrace

which traces one line for every file read with the "source" or "."
commands.  Between the two you should be able to see exactly where
zsh/stat is coming from.

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