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Re: [Announcement] A new approach to the command line

On 2023-04-15 02:56, Sebastian Gniazdowski wrote:
By accident I might stumble upon a new way of doing command line – in
the project: https://github.com/psprint/n-commodore

Basically it's about 3 factors:
- panelize everything,
- grep everything,
- save everything.

Panelization is known from Midnight Commander - it means to capture
command output into a list that can be browsed. Grepping is known from
fzf. Screen saving is a new paradigm

You basically have new screen (a greppable panel) for each new
command, which is saved to the disk (GDBM), and which can be
fetched/navigated to, having also PWD dir and position in panel

Asciicast: https://asciinema.org/a/577630

I look forward to playing with this.

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