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A new version of a file manager written in Zsh

I would like to announce a new version of N-Commodore, a TUI file
manager written in Zsh. It's now available as AppImage with all deps
included (also Zsh-5.9):

It's features are:
- 2 column view of files,
- this view like any other can be filtered (like with fzf),
- the files can be viewed (colorized by bat, highlight or src-highlight),
- pressing enter on a specific line in the preview opens editor on this line,
- pressing enter on file in the file list just opens up an editor ($EDITOR),
- N-C comes with Ctags browser – generate TAGS file with: ctags -e -R
. and you can browse the symbols and open up editor positioned on them
(on occasion, there is a regex-parser definition for Zsh script:

Also, there's screen save feature – you can remember any view – file,
contents, tags,  any command output and visit it later with
Ctrl-Shift-Left/Right, with all meta data restored (like eg. PWD,
cursor position, search/filter query keywords = view will be already
filtered, etc.)

Asciicast: https://asciinema.org/a/584100
Best regards,
Sebastian Gniazdowski

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