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Re: Help fix Zsh shell command prompt error or stranee

On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 3:50 AM Budi <budikusasi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> PS1=$(echo -e "$DIRSB\e[41;1;37m%~\e[44;1;33m\n%%\e[m ")
> DIRSB variable is none or sort of
> $(echo -e "${\e[41;1;37mWORD\e[m\n\r}")

I'm not going to try to work all of that out, but briefly, you need to
put a %{ in front of each \e and a %} following each m

And as Roman said, you can probably replace each %{...%} grouping that
creates, with one of the built-in macros like %F{red}...%f for

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