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Re: input.c and here documents bugfixes

On Sep 21,  1:19pm, Zoltan Hidvegi wrote:
} Subject: input.c and here documents bugfixes
} *** 1.2	1995/09/19 17:57:52
} --- Src/input.c	1995/09/20 11:04:22
} ***************
} --- 274,283 ----
}   {
}       int l;
} !     for (l = 0; l < n - 1 && (buf[l++] = ingetc()) != '\n' && !lexstop;)
} !     if (lexstop)
} ! 	l--;
} !     buf[l] = '\0';
}       return (!lexstop || l) ? buf : NULL;
}   }

Surely the semicolon is supposed to be OUTSIDE the right paren in that "for"?

Bart Schaefer                     Vice President, Technology, Z-Code Software
schaefer@xxxxxxxxxx                  Division of NCD Software Corporation

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