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Re: Colon modifiers on history substitution

In message <951109093526.ZM24995@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Barton E. Schaefer wrote:
>On Nov 9,  9:21am, Vinnie Shelton wrote:
>} Subject: Colon modifiers on history substitution
>} :p no longer works after a ^ substitution
>This was never supposed to work -- you're using an undocumented side-
>effect of the way that Paul F. originally implemented ^ substitution.
>Now that history substitutions no longer rely on rewriting the parser
>input, the side-effect has gone away.

It's just my week to trip over ghosts, I guess.

Since it works in csh, I always assumed this was an officially
sanctioned "good thing".  I'd prefer that zsh follow csh on this,
but it's not worth a significant effort, IMO.

Hmm, I was about to ask what I could do instead - presto - expansion
almost works:

% echo aacd
results in:
echo ab cd

If we could get rid of that extra space, that would be cool!


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