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Re: zsh, vi mode, vihistorysearchbackward

>I can see how "/" should seem to be "search forward" and "?" should be
>"search backward", but this works exactly opposite as it did before.

We are trying to emulate vi, rather than ksh.  As a vi user, I find the
new bindings much more intuitive -- ? is a backward search, so that's
what I use to search backward through the history.

>I've used a couple bindkeys in my own .zshrc to switch the two
>functions (putting "backwards" back on "/"), but I'm pushing others
>here to switch from ksh to zsh, and I think the default behavior
>will confuse them (since the default bindings work exactly opposite
>as ksh in vi mode).  Anybody (dis)agree with switching them back?

If you really want to have the default state match ksh, give everyone a
.zshrc including these bindings.


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