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zsh bug?

When I run the following command:

ping -s www.americanexpress.com

the child zsh dumps core and reports a fragmentation error.

To my knowledge, this only happens with this particular address.

This happens on both Solaris 2.5i SPARC version, and SunOS 4.1.3_U1.  I also 
tried to replicate this error on an AIX box, but ping takes a little 
different flags.  I wish I had access to another OS to verify that 
behavior.  Could someone try it on a different OS like Irix, OSF, HP-UX, 
BSD, and Linux?

                                        ( o o )

                                     .oooO                  (312) 512-7302
                                     (   )   Oooo.
+-------------------------------------\ (----(   )--------------------------+
                                       \_)    ) / 

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