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Jari Kokko writes:
 > Is the forward-word behaviour intentionally different from GNU Emacs?
 > If I type Ctrl-a, Meta-f the cursor ends up 
 > with zsh:
 >             aaaa    bbbb    cccc
 >                     ^
 > with emacs:
 >             aaaa    bbbb    cccc
 >                 ^
 > (zsh 3.0.2, emacs 19.34)
 > I'd like to change this, and tried 'bindkey | grep forw' but found
 > nothing interesting.

I have the following in my .zshrc, which accomplishes what you want.
However it still leaves me wondering why this is not the default
behavior.  (Ksh's emacs mode is bound like GNU emacs's.)

bindkey -me
bindkey '\Mf' emacs-forward-word
bindkey '\MF' emacs-forward-word
bindkey '\M^h' backward-kill-word

Blaise Tarr

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