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Re: ftp site

> Zoltan, Richard, and anyone else running a mirror, please set your
> software to mirror the new primary archive
> 	ftp://ftp.zsh.org/pub/zsh/

I noticed that this is in Australia.  What about the offer from the
SunSITE in Denmark?  That has a better net connectivity for most
people in Europe and in the US.  Even ftp.cs.elte.hu is closer from
the US and Europe than the Austral site.  If we have the zsh.org
domain, we can create regional master sites, like ftp.us.zsh.org,
ftp.eu.zsh.org, ftp.au.zsh.org, ftp.hu.zsh.org etc., but it is still
important for the master site to have good connectivity.


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