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Re: PATCH: _ps, _pdf and _pspdf.

Tanaka Akira wrote:

> This is _ps, _pdf update and new _pspdf.
> * _ps didn't require a dot before suffix.
> * I think pstruct is not related to postscript. At least, pstruct in perl is so.

Right, I was had a self-written tool named pstruct, sorry that that
slipped in.

> * More commands. (gs, psutils, xpdf, etc.)
> * Some commands based on gs accept files both ps and pdf.
> ...
> +#compdef acroread pdf2dsc pdf2ps pdfimages pdfinfo pdftopbm pdftops pdftotext xpdf

Ah, the pbm stuff...

This is a first simple solution. Now I'm thinking aabout chaging the
uses of _compskip so that one can say `do not try any other completion
function' (like we have it now), but can also say `use a completion
function defined for the command itself, but don't use -default-'.
Then we can give some of these commands their own functions, too.


diff -u oc/User/_pbm Completion/User/_pbm
--- oc/User/_pbm	Wed Aug 11 12:48:14 1999
+++ Completion/User/_pbm	Wed Aug 11 12:46:12 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#compdef -p p[bgpn]m*
+local pat
+if [[ "$words[1]" = pnm* ]]; then
+  pat='*.(#i)p[bgp]m'
+  pat="*.(#i)${words[1][1,3]}"
+_path_files -g "$pat" || _files -g '*.(#i)p[bgp]m'

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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