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PATCH: Re: Completion for mutt

Ollivier Robert wrote:

> > If you want to say that it doesn't complete the right thing after
> > loading the new completion system -- right, there doesn't seem to be a 
> > completion function for these commands.
> I thought the new completion was compatible with the old one (i.e. having
> compctl would still work).

No, only on request nowadays...

> > If you want to say that after loading the new completion system the
> > compctl doesn't seem to be used -- right, see the function _default
> > in the Base subdirectory of the distribution. You can un-comment a
> > call to `compcall' there to make compctl's be used when there is no
> > completion function for a certain command.
> I have uncommented this line but the old mutt completion rule still doesn't
> work.

I just tried, too, and after the fix in the patch below, it works for
me. What does `doesn't work' mean? Does it nothing?

> Now, I just found that what I used to make completion case-independent (see
> below) doesn't work anymore. With dev-16 it was still working.
> compctl -M 'm:{a-z}={A-Z} m:{A-Z}={a-z}'
> Now, I can't complete independantly of the case :-(

This has just changed (and for the new completion system using the
$compmatchers arrays was the preferred way for quite some time because 
that didn't load the compctl module). Now the `compctl -M' you gave
above is used only for compctls. The completion system uses the
_matcher completer, see the compsys manual/info (there is also a bit
of discussion about this going on...).


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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