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RE: GNU diff completion problem

Andrej Borsenkow wrote:

> ...
> > } I have system default diff and GNU diff as gdiff. Current state does not
> > } allow me to complete GNU diff at all
> >
> > You want
> >
> >     compdef _diff gdiff
> >     zstyle ':completion:*:*:gdiff:*:version' command gdiff -v
> >
> Nope. I do want
> compdef _diff diff gdiff
> without bothering, if GNU diff is installed as main or additional program. The above will
> cover 99.9% of installations.
> I agree with the point, that _diff_options can be called in context without actual
> command. But it simply means, that _diff_options should not test diff version itself, but
> just get a "diff kind" parameter. Actual testing is to be done by _diff.

No it isn't. Or else we would have to do it in every function that
calls _diff_options.

How about this patch? It makes _diff_is_gnu an assoc of $words[1] and
it makes $words[1] be used as the command if it matches *diff. That
last part -- or at least the pattern -- may have to be changed: are
there other commands ending in `diff' that are not real diffs and that 
may be in $words[1] when _diff_options is used?


diff -ru ../z.old/Completion/User/_diff_options Completion/User/_diff_options
--- ../z.old/Completion/User/_diff_options	Thu Mar  9 15:47:15 2000
+++ Completion/User/_diff_options	Fri Mar 10 09:53:31 2000
@@ -1,14 +1,24 @@
-local of ofwuc ouc oss ofwy ofwg ofwl
+local of ofwuc ouc oss ofwy ofwg ofwl cmd
-(( $+_diff_is_gnu )) || {
-	_diff_is_gnu=0;
-        [[ $(_call version diff -v </dev/null 2>/dev/null) == *GNU* ]] && _diff_is_gnu=1
+(( $+_diff_is_gnu )) || typeset -gA _diff_is_gnu
-if (( _diff_is_gnu ))
+if (( ! $+_diff_is_gnu[$words[1]] )); then
+  if [[ "$words[1]" = *diff ]]; then
+    cmd="$words[1]"
+  else
+    cmd=diff
+  fi
+  if [[ $(_call version $cmd -v </dev/null 2>/dev/null) = *GNU* ]]; then
+    _diff_is_gnu[$words[1]]=yes
+  else
+    _diff_is_gnu[$words[1]]=
+  fi
+if [[ -n "$_diff_is_gnu[$words[1]]" ]]; then
   # output formats 
   of="-y --side-by-side -n --rcs -e -f --ed -q --brief -c -C --context -u -U \
   --unified --old-group-format --new-group-format --changed-group-format \

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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