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Re: some directory changing tools to share

Bart Schaefer wrote (on zsh-users):

> ...
> By the way, in 3.0.7 this works:
> zagzig% setopt extendedglob
> zagzig% cd /usr/src/local/zsh/zsh-3.1.6
> zagzig% echo (../)#
>  ../ ../../ ../../../ ../../../../ ../../../../../
> But in 3.1.6 it crashes the shell:
> zagzig% setopt extendedglob
> zagzig% cd /usr/src/local/zsh/zsh-3.1.6
> zagzig% echo (../)#
> BUG: statfullpath(): pathname too long
> zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  $ZSH_NAME -f

Here is my attempt. Peter should have the last word, I think.

The place where I put that already had a test for `./', though. And
I've also changed that, a bit: (./)# gave me `no match' and I thought
it would be better to make it give `./'. If everyone disagrees, I can
change it back.


diff -ru ../z.old/Src/glob.c Src/glob.c
--- ../z.old/Src/glob.c	Mon Mar 13 10:18:26 2000
+++ Src/glob.c	Mon Mar 13 10:25:31 2000
@@ -479,11 +479,26 @@
 	    /* Not the last path section. Just add it to the path. */
 	    int oppos = pathpos;
-	    if (!errflag && !(q->closure && !strcmp(str, "."))) {
-		addpath(str);
-		if (!closure || !statfullpath("", NULL, 1))
-		    scanner((q->closure) ? q : q->next);
-		pathbuf[pathpos = oppos] = '\0';
+	    if (!errflag) {
+		int add = 1;
+		if (q->closure && *pathbuf) {
+		    if (!strcmp(str, "."))
+			add = 0;
+		    else if (!strcmp(str, "..")) {
+			struct stat sc, sr;
+			add = (stat("/", &sr) || stat(pathbuf, &sc) ||
+			       sr.st_ino != sc.st_ino ||
+			       sr.st_dev != sc.st_dev);
+		    }
+		}
+		if (add) {
+		    addpath(str);
+		    if (!closure || !statfullpath("", NULL, 1))
+			scanner((q->closure) ? q : q->next);
+		    pathbuf[pathpos = oppos] = '\0';
+		}
 	} else
 	    insert(str, 0);

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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