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Something strange with contexts

bor@itsrm2% lynx 
tags in context :completion::complete:lynx:argument:
    prefixes  (_urls _lynx)
tags in context :completion::complete:lynx:argument-1:
    arguments options  (_arguments _lynx) 
    globbed-files      (_files _lynx) 
    directories        (_files _lynx) 
    all-files          (_files _lynx)

This O.K.; note, that we are completing the first argument.


bor@itsrm2% gzip 
tags in context :completion::complete:gzip::
    globbed-files   (_files _gzip) 
    directories     (_files _gzip) 
    all-files       (_files _gzip)

Where is "argument-*" context is setup?


Have a nice DOS!
B >> 

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