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Re: compdef's for FreeBSD

Akinori -Aki- MUSHA wrote:

> Hello, zsh workers.
> I'm a FreeBSD developer and of course a zsh user.
> As you know, there are a lot of FreeBSD users who use zsh as their
> most favorite shell.  However it seems no compdef's for FreeBSD have
> ever been contributed to be merged into your distribution for the
> present, while Debian GNU/Linux stuff has.
> So here I attach some useful compdef's for FreeBSD environments, and
> we would be very happy if you would include them in your source tree
> for us.

I don't know anything about those commands, but of course would be
willing to support them. I would put them together, though (i.e. one
file named `_kld' for kldload and kldunload etc.).

Some of the functions would need a bit of work to make them look like
the other completion functions and to make them work with the (new)
tag labels, but that's easy to change (i.e. I could do it). But before 
I do that: could you (or anyone else) supply the short descriptions
for the options used? E.g.:

  _arguments - \
    '-a[what option -a does]' \
    '-c[what option -c does]' \

(Those are the descriptions you get with the `verbose' style set.)
That would help, I think.


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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