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bindkey bug with zsh-3.1.6-dev-21?

Seems that there's a problem with bindkey and zsh-3.1.6-dev-21 and

When I use this .zshrc:

  bindkey -e
  export EDITOR=vi

I get not tab-completion. If I type "bindkey", I get a long list of
bindkeys, amongst others this one:
"^I" expand-or-complete

So, the binding is there, but it just doesn't work :-(

The funny thing is, when I just have the "export EDITOR=vi" line in my
.zshrc and type "bindkey -e" on the prompt later, tab-completion works.
How to resolve the problem?


 Thomas Köhler Email:   jean-luc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     | LCARS - Linux
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