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PATCH: Clean up "History Expansion" doc

The lump of stuff at the bottom of the Modifiers section that really has
nothing to do with modifiers, finally annoyed me enough to undertake to
move it.  Then I got carried away with stuff like eliminating passive voice
(not "will be done", rather "is done") and fixing cross-references and
adding index entries ... so the diff looks rather bigger than it really is.

Putting index calls into the middles of paragraphs can do strange things
to pagination in the printed manual, but I left it anyway in most cases
where it was being done.  I did, however, move some calls to occur between

Index: Doc/Zsh/expn.yo
@@ -49,36 +49,91 @@
 History expansion allows you to use words from previous command
 lines in the command line you are typing.  This simplifies spelling
 corrections and the repetition of complicated commands or arguments.
-Command lines are saved in the history list, the size of which
-is controlled by the tt(HISTSIZE)
 vindex(HISTSIZE, use of)
-parameter.  The most recent command is retained in any case.
-A history expansion begins with the first character of the
-tt(histchars) parameter which is `tt(!)'
-by default and may occur anywhere on the command line; history
-expansions do not nest.  The `tt(!)' can be escaped with `tt(\)'
-or can be enclosed between a pair of single quotes (tt('')) to suppress
-its special meaning. Double quotes will em(not) work for this.
-Input lines containing history expansions are echoed on the
-terminal after being expanded, but before any other
-expansions take place or the command gets executed.
+Immediately before execution, each command is saved in the history list,
+the size of which is controlled by the tt(HISTSIZE) parameter.  The one
+most recent command is always retained in any case.  Each saved command in
+the history list is called a history em(event) and is assigned a number,
+beginning with 1 (one) when the shell starts up.  The history number that
+you may see in your prompt (see noderef(Prompt Expansion)) is the number
+that is to be assigned to the em(next) command.
 menu(Event Designators)
 menu(Word Designators)
-texinode(Event Designators)(Word Designators)()(History Expansion)
+texinode(Overview)(Event Designators)()(History Expansion)
+vindex(histchars, use of)
+A history expansion begins with the first character of the tt(histchars)
+parameter, which is `tt(!)' by default, and may occur anywhere on the
+command line; history expansions do not nest.  The `tt(!)' can be escaped
+with `tt(\)' or can be enclosed between a pair of single quotes (tt(''))
+to suppress its special meaning.  Double quotes will em(not) work for
+this.  Following this history character is an optional event designator
+(ifzman(see )noderef(Event Designators)) and then an optional word
+designator (noderef(Word Designators)); if neither of these designators is
+present, no history expansion occurs.
+Input lines containing history expansions are echoed after being expanded,
+but before any other expansions take place and before the command is
+executed.  It is this expanded form that is recorded as the history event
+for later references.
+By default, a history reference with no event designator refers to the
+same event as any preceding history reference on that command line; if it
+is the only history reference in a command, it refers to the previous
+pindex(CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY, use of)
+However, if the option tt(CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY) is set, then every history
+reference with no event specification em(always) refers to the previous
+For example, `tt(!)' is the event designator for the previous command, so
+`tt(!!:1)' always refers to the first word of the previous command, and
+`tt(!!$)' always refers to the last word of the previous command.  With
+tt(CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY) set, then `tt(!:1)' and `tt(!$)' function in the
+same manner as `tt(!!:1)' and `tt(!!$)', respectively.  Conversely, if
+tt(CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY) is unset, then `tt(!:1)' and `tt(!$)' refer to the
+first and last words, respectively, of the same event referenced by the
+nearest other history reference preceding them on the current command
+line, or to the previous command if there is no preceding reference.
+The character sequence `tt(^)var(foo)tt(^)var(bar)' (where `tt(^)' is
+actually the second charcter of the tt(histchars) parameter)
+repeats the last command, replacing the string var(foo) with var(bar).
+More precisely, the sequence `tt(^)var(foo)tt(^)var(bar)tt(^)' is
+synonymous with `tt(!!:s)tt(^)var(foo)tt(^)var(bar)tt(^)', hence other
+modifiers (see noderef(Modifiers)) may follow the final `tt(^)'.
+If the shell encounters the character sequence `tt(!")'
+in the input, the history mechanism is temporarily disabled until
+the current list (see
+ifnzman(noderef(Shell Grammar))\
+) is fully parsed.  The `tt(!")' is removed from the input, and any
+subsequent `tt(!)' characters have no special significance.
+findex(fc, use of)
+A less convenient but more comprehensible form of command history support
+is provided by the tt(fc) builtin.
+texinode(Event Designators)(Word Designators)(Overview)(History Expansion)
 subsect(Event Designators)
 cindex(history event designators)
 cindex(event designators, history)
-An event designator is a reference to a command-line entry in
-the history list.
+An event designator is a reference to a command-line entry in the history
+list.  In the list below, remember that the initial tt(`!') in each item
+may be changed to another character by setting the tt(histchars)
 Start a history expansion, except when followed by a blank, newline,
-`tt(=)' or `tt(LPAR())'.
+`tt(=)' or `tt(LPAR())'.  If followed immediately by a word designator
+(ifzman(see )noderef(Word Designators)), this forms a history reference
+with no event designator (ifzman(see )noderef(Overview)).
 Refer to the previous command.
@@ -95,7 +150,9 @@
 Refer to the most recent command starting with var(str).
-Refer to the most recent command containing var(str).
+Refer to the most recent command containing var(str).  The trailing
+`tt(?)' is necessary if this reference is to be followed by a modifier or
+followed by any text that is not to be considered part of var(str).
 Refer to the current command line typed in so far.  The line is
@@ -110,10 +167,10 @@
 subsect(Word Designators)
 cindex(history word designators)
 cindex(word designators, history)
-A word designator indicates which word or words of a given command line will
-be included in a history reference.  A `tt(:)'
+A word designator indicates which word or words of a given command line are
+to be included in a history reference.  A `tt(:)' usually
 separates the event specification from the word designator.
-It can be omitted if the word designator begins with a
+It may be omitted only if the word designator begins with a
 `tt(^)', `tt($)', `tt(*)', `tt(-)' or `tt(%)'.
 Word designators include:
@@ -129,9 +186,9 @@
 sitem(var(x)tt(-))(Like `var(x)tt(*)' but omitting word tt($).)
-Note that a `tt(%)' word designator will only work when used as
-`tt(!%)', `tt(!:%)' or `tt(!?)var(str)tt(?:%)',
-and only when used after a tt(!?) expansion.  Anything else will result
+Note that a `tt(%)' word designator works only when used in one of
+`tt(!%)', `tt(!:%)' or `tt(!?)var(str)tt(?:%)', and only when used after a
+tt(!?) expansion (possibly in an earlier command).  Anything else results
 in an error, although the error may not be the most obvious one.
 texinode(Modifiers)()(Word Designators)(History Expansion)
@@ -179,30 +236,6 @@
 Convert the words to all uppercase.
-(This and the following
-tt(F), tt(w) and tt(W) modifier only work with parameter expansion and
-filename generation.)
-Repeats the immediately (without a colon) following modifier until the
-resulting word doesn't change any more.
-Like tt(f), but repeats only var(n) times if the expression
-var(expr) evaluates to var(n).  Any character can be used instead of
-the `tt(:)'; if `tt(LPAR())', `tt([)', or `tt({)'
-is used as the opening delimiter,
-the closing delimiter should be 'tt(RPAR())', `tt(])', or `tt(})',
-Makes the immediately following modifier work on each word in the
-Like tt(w) but words are considered to be the parts of the string
-that are separated by var(sep). Any character can be used instead of
-the `tt(:)'; opening parentheses are handled specially, see above.
 Substitute var(r) for var(l) as described below.
 Unless preceded immediately by a tt(g), with no colon between,
@@ -231,43 +264,33 @@
 Note the same record of the last var(l) and var(r) is maintained
 across all forms of expansion.
-By default, a history reference with no event specification refers to the same
-line as the previous history reference on that command line, unless it is the
-first history reference in a command.  In that case, a history reference
-with no event specification always refers to the previous command.  However,
-if the option tt(CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY) is set,
-pindex(CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY, use of)
-then history reference with no
-event specification will em(always) refer to the previous command.
+The following tt(f), tt(F), tt(w) and tt(W) modifiers work only with
+parameter expansion and filename generation.  They are listed here to
+provide a single point of reference for all modifiers.
-For example, `tt(!!:1)'
-will always refer to the first word of the previous command, and `tt(!!$)'
-will always refer to the last word of the previous command.  And with
-tt(CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY) set, then `tt(!:1)' and `tt(!$)'
-will function in the same manner as `tt(!!:1)' and `tt(!!$)',
-respectively.  However, if tt(CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY) is unset, then
-`tt(!:1)' and `tt(!$)'
-will refer to the first and last words respectively, of the last command
-referenced on the current command line.  However, if they are the first history
-reference on the command line, then they refer to the previous command.
-The character sequence `tt(^)var(foo)tt(^)var(bar)' (where `tt(^)' is
-actually the second charcter of the tt(histchars) parameter)
-repeats the last command, replacing the string var(foo) with var(bar).
-More precisely, the sequence `tt(^)var(foo)tt(^)var(bar)tt(^)' is
-synonymous with `tt(!!:s)tt(^)var(foo)tt(^)var(bar)tt(^)', hence other
-modifiers may follow the final `tt(^)'.
-If the shell encounters the character sequence `tt(!")'
-in the input, the history mechanism is temporarily disabled until
-the current list is fully parsed.  The `tt(!")'
-is removed from the input, and any subsequent `tt(!)'
-characters have no special significance.
-A less convenient but more comprehensible
-form of command history support
-is provided by the tt(fc) builtin.
-findex(fc, use of)
+Repeats the immediately (without a colon) following modifier until the
+resulting word doesn't change any more.
+Like tt(f), but repeats only var(n) times if the expression
+var(expr) evaluates to var(n).  Any character can be used instead of
+the `tt(:)'; if `tt(LPAR())', `tt([)', or `tt({)'
+is used as the opening delimiter,
+the closing delimiter should be 'tt(RPAR())', `tt(])', or `tt(})',
+Makes the immediately following modifier work on each word in the
+Like tt(w) but words are considered to be the parts of the string
+that are separated by var(sep). Any character can be used instead of
+the `tt(:)'; opening parentheses are handled specially, see above.
 texinode(Process Substitution)(Parameter Expansion)(History Expansion)(Expansion)
 sect(Process Substitution)
 cindex(process substitution)
@@ -277,7 +300,7 @@
 `tt(>LPAR())var(list)tt(RPAR())' or
 is subject to process substitution.
-In the case of the tt(<) or tt(>) forms, the shell will run process
+In the case of the tt(<) or tt(>) forms, the shell runs process
 var(list) asynchronously.  If the system supports the tt(/dev/fd)
 mechanism, the command argument is the name of the device file
 corresponding to a file descriptor; otherwise, if the system supports named

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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