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zfanon and nslookup

I found that the function nslookup may causes trouble with zfanon.

Z:akr@coulee% Src/zsh -f
coulee% autoload -U nslookup zfinit
coulee% zfinit
coulee% zfanon ftp.zsh.org

Hm.  This prompt is for nslookup.

coulee% set -x
coulee% zfanon ftp.zsh.org
+Src/zsh:5> zfanon ftp.zsh.org
+zfanon:3> emulate -L zsh
+zfanon:5> [[  == :zf* ]]
+zfanon:5> local curcontext=:zfanon
+zfanon:6> local opt opt_1 dir
+zfanon:8> getopts :1 opt
+zfanon:12> ((  OPTIND > 1  ))
+zfanon:14> [[ -z  ]]
+zfanon:19> local domain host
+zfanon:21> [[ coulee == *.* ]]
+zfanon:24> [[ -f /etc/resolv.conf ]]
+zfanon:26> domain=+zfanon:26> awk /domain/ { print $2 } /etc/resolv.conf
+zfanon:26> domain= 
+zfanon:27> [[ -n  ]]
+zfanon:30> [[ -z  ]]
+zfanon:31> host=+zfanon:31> host=+zfanon:31> awk /Name:/ { print $2 }
+zfanon:31> nslookup coulee
+nslookup:4> setopt localoptions localtraps completealiases
+nslookup:6> local tmp line compcontext=nslookup curcontext=nslookup::: pmpt
+nslookup:7> local pager opager=less
+nslookup:8> typeset +g -x PAGER=cat
+nslookup:10> zmodload -e zsh/zpty
+nslookup:10> zmodload -i zsh/zpty
+nslookup:12> trap return 130 INT
+nslookup:13> trap zpty -d nslookup EXIT
+nslookup:15> pmpt=( ) 
+nslookup:16> zstyle -s :nslookup prompt tmp
+nslookup:17> zstyle -s :nslookup rprompt tmp
+nslookup:18> zstyle -s :nslookup pager tmp
+nslookup:20> ((  0  ))
+nslookup:20> pmpt=( -p >  ) 
+nslookup:22> zpty nslookup nslookup
+nslookup:24> zpty -r nslookup line *
+nslookup:26> print -nr Default Server:  fs.m17n.org

+nslookup:28> line= 
+nslookup:28> vared -he -p >  line

So, the function nslookup shouldn't work interactively if a query is
specified on a command line.
Tanaka Akira

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