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Re: PATCH: _arguments

Clint Adams wrote:

> [sunsite.auc.dk seems to be oppressing me as it did Sven]

I just noticed that someone was so kind to put the X-Seq numbers for
my patches in the ChangeLog... thanks!

> >   If anyone sees weird results when completing options from multiple
> >   sets, please tell me.
> I've committed changes to _dpkg.  Everything seems to work except for
> the install|record_avail case, in which case zsh will complete nothing.
> Did I misunderstand something?

The `-A -*' doesn't mean that it complete ignores all unknown strings
starting with a hyphen, it just means that it doesn't stop completing
options if it finds undescribed `-foo's.

So, you still have to give it the `--{install,...}' to make it ignore
it. Or you use the `= ' trick together with the `::' trick, as in:

           '(-i)--install:*::Debian packages:= ->install' \

Then you can leave the other stuff alone (as long as you don't need to 
react to the presence/absence of options that might be before the
`--install', which, hm, I think you have (the exclusion lists), hm ...).


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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