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Bug in 3.1.9: REC_EXACT does not work with commands

Hi there,

  when the REC_EXACT option is set in zsh-3.1.9, it does not work with
command names. Here is how it should be (and how it works in zsh-3.0.8):

% setopt recexact
% cp[Tab]
% cp _

Instead, zsh-3.1.9 ignores the option:

% setopt recexact
% cp[Tab]
cp	cpio	cpp


"WYSIWYG is a step backwards. Human labor is used to do that which
 the computer can do better."               -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Christoph Lange, langec@xxxxxx, http://www.cul.de/home/yaph/, ICQ #51191833

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