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Re: PATCH: _rlogin splits up into three functions (still one file)
- X-seq: zsh-workers 12889
- From: "Bart Schaefer" <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- To: zsh-workers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: PATCH: _rlogin splits up into three functions (still one file)
- Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 16:03:12 +0000
- In-reply-to: <200010040954.LAA09415@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Mailing-list: contact zsh-workers-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
- References: <200010040954.LAA09415@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Oct 4, 11:54am, Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
} Bart Schaefer wrote:
} > #compdef krlogin krsh krcp
} > compdef ${words[1]:t:s/k/_/} ${words[1]:t}
} > _rlogin "$@"
I just realized that the above won't work properly unless one of the k*
forms is the first thing completed. If _rlogin has already been auto-
loaded, call to _rlogin there is wrong.
It could be written
[[ $functions[_rlogin] == "builtin autoload -X" ]] &&
_rlogin "$@" || $_comps[${words[1]:t}] "$@"
or some such, but that's pretty silly.
So ...
} This gave me the idea of adding one more (probably optional, i.e. not
} used everywhere) level of indirection when mapping a command name to a
} completion function. So that _rlogin could offer the `services'
} `_rlogin', `_rsh' and whatnot.
This actually sounds like a reasonable idea. There'd have to be a way
for the #compdef tag line to register all the "services" provided by the
file in which the tag appears. I still don't see any obvious way to
fully automate this part --
} > +[[ $_comps[rsh] == _rlogin ]] && compdef _rsh rsh
} > +[[ $_comps[remsh] == _rlogin ]] && compdef _rsh remsh
} > +[[ $_comps[rcp] == _rlogin ]] && compdef _rcp rcp
-- but I haven't been thinking about it for very long.
Bart Schaefer Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts http://www.brasslantern.com
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