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Re: PATCH: kfmclient and MIME type completion

[I'm resending this because it didn't come through yesterday. Sorry if
it now comes through twice.]

Peter wrote:

> +# This is the same style as used by zsh-mime-setup, with a different
> +# context.
> +if zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:mime" mime-types type_files; then

Why do you use `mime' as the tag? It should either be empty or the same
as the tag used when adding matches (such as mime-types).

> +  _wanted mimetype expl 'MIME type' \

The convention is for tags to be plural. We also seem to use hyphens to
separate words so I'd use mime-types and mime-subtypes for the tags.

> +[[ $state = *arg ]] || return 1
> +
> +# Argument to previous command.
> +
> +print $line >/tmp/tmp.out

That looks like remnant debug which we won't want.


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