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CompletionProblem on new Platform with QNX


I've compiled zsh with configure and make and got it working under qnx on
a sh4-processor. But Tab-Command-Completion does not work correctly, I
always get the right results followed by endless empty lines.

I've tried it without any startup-scripts to make shure it's not a
configuration-problem, but without success. an example (put with " around
one line to show the spaces):

"root@localhost . # l"
"                                                                      "
"                                                                      "
"                                                                      "

with "autoload -U compinit" and "compinit" "ls -<TAB>" works perfectly.

I've tried looking at the sourcecode, but it's to cryptic to find the
error (sidenote: I've compiled the same sourcetree under win32+cygwin and
there it works).

where is a good startpoint in the source to look what's going wrong? are
the spaces after the filenames normal or is there an error (missing \0 or
something like that)?

thanx for your help!

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