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Re: Bug in ulimit ?

I forgot:

The file that needs to be changed, of-course is: kernel/sys.c

It was check on kernel


David Peer wrote:

I hope kernel people will add it to the next kernel release,

but here is one rapid fix that solves the problem.

(you will not see the new limit of 1 sec but you'll still see it set to 0, but its 1 sec - believe me && try,

if you want to see it, fork another any shell and you'll see it....bug or feature?!)

Before the line: *old_rlim = new_rlim;


if (resource == RLIMIT_CPU && new_rlim.rlim_cur == 0) {
            * The caller is asking for an immediate RLIMIT_CPU
            * expiry.  But we use the zero value to mean "it was
            * never set".  So let's cheat and make it one second
            * instead
           new_rlim.rlim_cur = 1;

You can remove the dumb if statement that does nothing cause the assignment occurs(*old_rlim = new_rlim) before

so it has no meaning! : if (rlim_cur == 0) {....}


Stephane Chazelas wrote:

On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 02:24:46PM +0100, Stephane Chazelas wrote:
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 02:03:16PM +0100, Stephane Chazelas wrote:
So it would seem that the limit is inherited but not applied in
the child (and I couldn't see any signal being blocked or
ignored). So that's probably not a libc issue, rather a Linux

Please ignore this email, I was talking rubbish again, I should
probably get back to sleep....

The Linux code for setrlimit gives a hint:

        if (it_prof_secs == 0 || new_rlim.rlim_cur <= it_prof_secs) {
                unsigned long rlim_cur = new_rlim.rlim_cur;
                cputime_t cputime;

                if (rlim_cur == 0) {
* The caller is asking for an immediate RLIMIT_CPU * expiry. But we use the zero value to mean "it was * never set". So let's cheat and make it one second
                         * instead
                        rlim_cur = 1;

It's stored as being "0" and armed with a 1 second delay. And on a fork,
obviously, for the new process, there's no way to distinguish
between a 0 that means "not set" and a 0 that means exit

And one can verify that it_prof_expires will be set to 0 in
copy_signal during the fork and that 0 means not armed in

But what's the point of setting a cputime of 0 anyway?

David Peer <!> davidpeer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
CS System Group | Phone: 02 - 6586942
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Israel
Edmund Safra Campus - Givat Ram

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