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PATCH: _init_d: commands on the same line as case statement

I found that some init.d scripts have commands on the same line as case 
statement. For exemple, /etc/init.d/cron on my system, has:

start)	log_daemon_msg "Starting periodic command scheduler" "crond"
stop)	log_daemon_msg "Stopping periodic command scheduler" "crond"
restart) log_daemon_msg "Restarting periodic command scheduler" "crond" 

_init_d currently does not match such constructions: It uses ':#' and 
therefore only matches case statements if there is nothing else on the line. 
If using '##' it can match case statements even if there are other things on 
the line.

I couldn't think of any drawback, so here is a patch:


--- _init_d.old	2007-12-06 15:24:02.000000000 +0100
+++ _init_d	2007-12-06 15:25:24.000000000 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 read -u0 -k2 magic < $script && [[ $magic = '#!' ]] &&
-    cmds=( ${${(j:|:s:|:)${(M)${(f)"$(< $script)"}:#[[:blank:]]#(\'|)${~what}([[:blank:]]#\|[[:blank:]]#${~what})#(\'|)\)}}//[^-a-z_]} )
+    cmds=( ${${(j:|:s:|:)${(M)${(f)"$(< $script)"}##[[:blank:]]#(\'|)${~what}([[:blank:]]#\|[[:blank:]]#${~what})#(\'|)\)}}//[^-a-z_]} )
 # This would be the pattern to use every line of the form <space>foo).
 # Some people say this might match too many lines...

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