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run-help: Support for svn and git


calling run-help for svn or git is often not very helpful. svn has no
real information in the manpage and the infos for git blubb are in
git-blubb (not git). So, run-help should pay attention to the subcommand
for git and should call svn help subcommand |pager. My proposal:

--- /usr/share/zsh-beta/functions/Misc/run-help	2007-12-26 00:58:01.000000000 +0100
+++ /tmp/run-help	2007-12-30 20:18:37.530179261 +0100
@@ -12,8 +12,37 @@
 : ${HELPDIR:=/usr/share/zsh-beta/help}
-[[ $1 == "." ]] && 1="dot"
-[[ $1 == ":" ]] && 1="colon"
+local subcmd
+case $1 in
+  (.) 1=dot;;
+  (:) 1=colon;;
+  (git|sv[kn])
+    local full_cmd
+    builtin getln full_cmd
+    builtin print -z "$full_cmd"
+    local i
+    for i in ${(z)full_cmd#*$1}; do      # remove VARIABLE=... $1
+        case "$i" in
+          (-*) ;;
+          (*)
+            case $1 in
+              (git)
+                if al=$(git config --get "alias.$i"); then
+                    1="git-${al%% *}"
+                else
+                    1="git-$i"
+                fi
+                ;;
+              (sv[kn]) subcmd=$i;;
+            esac
+            break
+            ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    ;;
 if [[ $# == 0 || $1 == "-l" ]]
@@ -85,7 +114,11 @@
 	man zsh-betamisc
+        if [[ -n "${subcmd:-}" ]]; then
+            ((! didman++)) && $1 help $subcmd | ${=PAGER:-/usr/bin/pager}
+        else
 	((! didman++)) && man $@
+        fi
     if ((i < $#places && ! didman))

Would you include this change?

Bye, Jörg.
Es liegt in der Natur des Menschen, vernünftig zu denken und
unlogisch zu handeln! Das Gesagte ist nicht das Gemeinte und das Gehörte
nicht das Verstandene!

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