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Re: Broken completion on $prefix/*

On Thu, 11 Mar 2010, Greg Klanderman wrote:

> Seems to work for me in 1.4869..

Doesn't for me in 1.4926, even as 'zsh -fd':

hp% autoload -U compinit
hp% compinit
hp% prefix=relative/dir/that/exists
hp% ls $prefix/<Tab>
(completion for '/' directory)

hp% bindkey "^I"
"^I" expand-or-complete

And, a slightly-OT question:

Is there an easy way to build-and-install 'tagged' versions of Zsh from 
the repository?  I just built Zsh from git for the first time (installed 
into /usr/local) [usually I just use the Completion dirs from git].

But, it'd be nice to know it was properly 'sandboxed' (i.e. not reading 
my distribution's version's files [Gentoo - 4.3.10 (1.4705)]).  And it'd 
be even nicer to have it installed as (something like):


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