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Re: bracketed paste

On 7 November 2011 23:31, Oliver Kiddle <okiddle@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Has anyone tried enabling the bracketed paste feature of xterm?

I have this for urxvt (now, this is a bit spread out in my config, so
I might miss some bits here, hope not).

bindkey -N paste
bindkey -R -M paste "^@"-"\M-^?" paste-insert
bindkey '^[[200~' _start_paste
bindkey -M paste '^[[201~' _end_paste
bindkey -M paste -s '^M' '^J'

function _zle_line_init() {
  # Tell urxvt to send escape codes around a paste
  [[ $TERM == rxvt-unicode || $TERM = xterm ]] && printf '\e[?2004h'

function _zle_line_finish() {
  # Tell it to stop
  [[ $TERM == rxvt-unicode || $TERM = xterm ]] && printf '\e[?2004l'

function _start_paste() {
  bindkey -A paste main

function _end_paste() {
  bindkey -e
  if [[ $_SPACE_AFTER_PASTE_QUOTE = 1 ]]; then
    LBUFFER+=${(q)_paste_content}' '
  unset _paste_content

function _spaceafterpastequote() {
  if [[ $_SPACE_AFTER_PASTE_QUOTE = 1 ]]; then
    zle -M "Not inserting a space after pastes, not quoting"
    zle -M "Inserting a space after pastes and quoting"

function _paste_insert() {

zle -N zle-line-init _zle_line_init
zle -N zle-line-finish _zle_line_finish
zle -N _start_paste
zle -N _end_paste
zle -N paste-insert _paste_insert
zle -N _spaceafterpastequote

Mikael Magnusson

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