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Re: Native Windows port, introduction.


On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 07:26:52PM +0100, Fabio Fabbri wrote:
> Hi all,
> A quality native port of many useful u*x tools is available from
> http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/ but the lack of a native u*x shell
> in a Windows console is really annoying, because for scripting CMD.EXE
> is poor and has a horrible syntax.

* I used amol's zsh with the gnuwin32 tools years ago and it was much,
  much slower than cygwin was. is there some news about that ? 
* Don't you think powershell is now the defacto shell for windows ? 
  - pro: accces to all the .net framework 
  - pro: powerfull syntax piping object and having anonymous functions
    for filter and apply 
  - pro: default standard
  - cons: lack of vi binding


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