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Re: Update _twisted completion

On 2013-02-03 at 12:53 -0500, Eric P. Mangold wrote:
> Twisted ships a large number of commands, and e.g. `twistd' sub-commands are dynamically generated at runtime via plugin loading. As such, a static completion function is innappropriate for Twisted, and would be instantly out of date. So, the stub function just asks Twisted to send it a
> completion function on stdout, which if well formed can be eval'd inside the stub function (_twisted) to produce results.

Wait what, a function to be eval'd, so can do anything in the shell
environment, which runs because I press tab when seeing what options
this "command the user is not familiar with" might offer?

Is there no way to rationalize the options for expansion down to a
schema with "global options, sub-commands, sub-command options, tags for
known contexts" and have the _twisted function interpret those

There's a difference between running an unknown command and having your
shell execute, in its own context, any evaluable code supplied by that
command because the user hit _tab_, not _enter_.


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