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Re: bug with sed and escaping?

Thanks for the quick reply. I think I didn't express myself well enough and I also did not understand my actual problem. Though, your reply pointed me in the right direction, the zsh is just fine. The Bash scripts that are executed have the shebang #!/bin/bash in them. That means they are executed using the Bash-interpreter. At least they should, but they weren't, that's what confused me.

Here is the very simple solution to my problem: The Bash-script is contained in my old .bashrc which is handed to my .zshrc with the source-command. Therefore the shebang in the Bash-script is ignored and the script is interpreted by the zsh, yielding an error... changing "source /path/to/bashscript.sh" to "/bin/bash /path/to/bashscript.sh" seems to get it done.

Sorry for the beginner's question.


On 04/10/2013 12:00 PM, Peter Stephenson wrote:
On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 11:43:02 +0200
Dino Ruic <dr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
$ echo "xy" | sed -e s/^x//
zsh: no matches found: s/^x//
The "^" is doing a form of enhanced file name generation: what you've
typed means "match all files that start with 's/' and then continue with
anything that isn't 'x//'", which obviously isn't what you want.  If
you're not using the additional pattern matching features of ^, ~, #, |
and parentheses as documented in the zshexpn manual page, you can
"unsetopt extendedglob".  It's not on by default, so something in your
initialisation files is setting it.

Generally, however, you really need to decide if you actually need raw
Bourne shell stuff to work --- in which case it's possible to get zsh to
emulate it more fully, but in that case you might be better off with a
shell that does it by default, depending what it is you're trying to do
--- or if all you want is to learn how zsh works and adapt to it.  In
the latter case, quoting is the right way to go in this particular case.

(I'd actually recommend single quotes --- it'll work in this case with
double quotes, but expressions involving '^' also have a meaning to
history expansion, so single quotes are a bit safer.  This is probably
week 3 of the beginner's zsh class rather than week 1 :-).)


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