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Re: Package Bug Arch Linux


On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Greg Silverstein
<greg.silverstein@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Very minor bug but maybe it needs to be documented somewhere. Arch moved
> all binaries from /usr/bin to /bin.

The other way around, actually: all binaries are now located in
/usr/bin. /bin is just a symlink to /usr/bin.

> When ZSH installs at least on a fresh arch installation it updates /etc/shells with /usr/bin/zsh requiring a
> manual update to the file.

Your understanding is wrong. If /usr/bin is where all binaries are
located then putting /usr/bin/zsh into /etc/shells is not wrong per
se. However, there's already a bug requesting what you're requesting,
too, though for different reasons:

Kind regarsd,

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