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Re: Finer control over what gets written to the history file

Incidentally ...

On Oct 15,  5:58pm, Peter Stephenson quoted the docs:
> zshaddhistory
>        The  following  example  function first adds the history line to
>        the normal history with the newline stripped,  which is  usually
>        the  correct behaviour.  Then it switches the history context so
>        that the line will be written to a history file in  the  current
>        directory.
>               zshaddhistory() {
>                 print -sr -- ${1%%$'\n'}
>                 fc -p .zsh_local_history
>               }

This doesn't quite work, does it?  The missing bit being that you also
must have INC_APPEND_HISTORY set, otherwise the stack is popped before
anything is written.

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