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texi2html vs texi2any

texi2html has been discontinued around 2010/2011,
and it seems they recommend to use texi2any, which is
the main conversion script introduced in texinfo-5.

I tried texi2any and found that it is almost compatible
with texi2html.

If you have texinfo-5 installed in your system, then
please try the following:

$ export TEXI2HTML='/path/to/texi2any -c TEXI2HTML=1'
$ ./configure --options ...
$ make html
and open Doc/index.html by your browser.

I have noticed a few minor differences between the html's
generated by texi2html and texi2any (see the list below).
If these are acceptable, and if no other problems are found,
I will patch configure.ac and Doc/Makefile.in to use
texi2any if it is available.

[1] Top page
(1-1) name of the top page file:
      zsh.html (texi2html), index.html (texi2any)
(1-2) index.html (texi2any) contains the copyright notice,
      which comes from the texititlepage() in zsh.yo

I feel these are OK, but I guess we can `fix' (1-2) if necessary.

[2] Foot note (at the bottom of each page)
In the html's generated by texi2any, the foot note is just
'This document was generated on ... using texi2html 1.82.'
i.e., two info are missing:
(2-1) name of the user who has generated the html is missing.
      I guess this can't be fixed easily.

(2-1) zsh version info 'Zsh version ..., released on ...'
      is missing. I can fix this.

[3] output from yodl example() macro.
For example, see the following example in Invocation.html#Invocation:
    zsh -x -o shwordsplit scr

The amount of indentation, and the spaces before/after the example
are different. I feel the one generated by texi2any is *better*.

[4] Navigation menu (at the top of each chapter/section)
[ < ][ > ]   [ << ][ Up ][ >> ]   [Top][Contents][Index][ ? ]
[ << ][ < ][ Up ][ > ][ >> ]   [Top][Contents][Index][ ? ]

I don't know whether this can be configured in texi2any.

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