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Re: [PATCH] _file_descriptors: initialize `list' array with local -a

On 06/16/2015 03:42 AM, Oliver Kiddle wrote:
> Eric Cook wrote:
>> +  fi 2>/dev/null
> That redirection causes the description of fd 2 to change to /dev/null
> instead of being the tty. I'm not sure in what situation it is needed
> but it might be better to put it directly on the readlink/sed or
> whichever command actually needs it.

zstat was the command in question, but placing the redirection there still
changes the description to /dev/null

Question: is there a reason why the upper limit is fd9?
I ask because i have a _zsocket function which is what made me notice all of this,
I normally use an fd above 10 with zsocket.

I also noticed since zstat isn't tested for success and link[1] might be defined still,
the description from the previous loop is used for fd3. Which is closed by the time
compsys is done running. Is there a reason to try to present it?

With the patch below: fd0,1,2 are hardcoded, the upper limit of fd9 is removed and test for the failure of zstat,
readlink and ls.

diff --git a/Completion/Zsh/Type/_file_descriptors b/Completion/Zsh/Type/_file_descriptors
index 3e251b7..0b2cd00 100644
--- a/Completion/Zsh/Type/_file_descriptors
+++ b/Completion/Zsh/Type/_file_descriptors
@@ -1,28 +1,41 @@

-local i fds expl list link sep
+local i fds expl link sep
+local -a list

-fds=( /dev/fd/<0-9>(N:t) )
+fds=( /dev/fd/<3->(N:t) )

 if zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:" verbose && [[ -h /proc/$$/fd/$fds[1] ]]; then
   zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" list-separator sep || sep=--
   if zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat; then
     for i in "${fds[@]}"; do
-      zstat +link -A link /proc/$$/fd/$i
-      list+=( "$i $sep ${link[1]}" )
+      if zstat +link -A link /proc/$$/fd/$i; then
+        list+=( "$i $sep ${link[1]}" )
+      else
+        fds[(i)$i]=()
+      fi
   elif (( $+commands[readlink] )); then
     for i in "${fds[@]}"; do
-      list+=( "$i $sep $(readlink /proc/$$/fd/$i)" )
+      if link=$(readlink /proc/$$/fd/$i); then
+        list+=( "$i $sep $link" )
+      else
+        fds[(i)$i]=()
+      fi
     for i in "${fds[@]}"; do
-      list+=( "$i $sep $(ls -l /proc/$$/fd/$i|sed 's/.*-> //' )" )
+      if link=$(ls -l /proc/$$/fd/$i); then
+        list+=( "$i $sep ${link#* -> }" )
+      else
+        fds[(i)$i]=()
+      fi
-  fi
+  fi 2>/dev/null

   if (( $list[(I)* $sep ?*] )); then
+    list=( "0 $sep standard input" "1 $sep standard output" "2 $sep standard error" $list )
+    fds=( 0 1 2 $fds )
     _wanted file-descriptors expl 'file descriptor' compadd "$@" -d list -a - fds

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