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ZTST_skip (was Re: PATCH: ztrftime ...)

On Jul 10,  6:31pm, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
} Perhaps ZTST_skip should be converted to a statement?  e.g.,
}     ZTST_skip "[[ -N file ]] not supported on Cygwin"
} where ZTST_skip is defined such that the remainder of the test case
} isn't executed.

Not really possible; each test chunk is run by "eval" inside an anonymous
function scope, so there's really no way to break out of it early without
the entire test script being aborted.

Given that one already needs some kind of test to decide whether to set a
value for ZTST_skip, it seems reasonable to ask that the remainder of the
test chunk be in an "else" branch of whatever test that is.

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