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"compinit -i" not excluding some insecure dirs?

Hi, Zsh folks,

What is the expected behavior for compinit's "-i" switch? The doco says it will " silently ignore all insecure files and directories". I interpret that to mean "silently exclude insecure files and dirs from use in the completion system", as opposed to "silently ignore the security check failures and use them anyway". If this is the case, it looks like there might be an issue with the "compinit -i" code.

When I add an insecure directory to $FPATH, where it's insecure due to an openly-writable parent directory but is not itself openly-writable, it does not get excluded. For example, if /tmp/insecure is mode 777, but /tmp/insecure/zsh.completiond is 755, compaudit will complain about that path, but "compinit -i" will still use completions from it.

I'm on OS X 10.9 using zsh 5.0.2 and zsh 5.1.

To reproduce:

spiffy% cd /tmp
spiffy% mkdir -p insecure/zsh.completiond
spiffy% chmod go+w insecure
spiffy% cp /usr/local/share/zsh/functions/_kill ./insecure/zsh.completiond/_foo
[... and then edit it to say "#compdef foo" at the top ...]
spiffy% ls -ld insecure
drwxrwxrwx  3 janke  wheel  102 Sep 28 07:06 insecure

Then, compinit -i is happy to use it. You can see here that foo is picking up the "kill" completion style

spiffy% FPATH="/tmp/insecure/zsh.completiond/:$FPATH"
spiffy% autoload -U compinit
spiffy% autoload -U compaudit
spiffy% compaudit
There are insecure directories:
spiffy% compinit -D -i
spiffy% foo
  787 ttys000    0:00.16 -zsh
 1177 ttys001    0:00.07 -zsh
 1313 ttys002    0:00.39 -/bin/zsh
[ ... snip ...]
spiffy% which _foo
_foo () {
    local curcontext="$curcontext" line state ret=1

If I then make zsh.completiond itself openly-writable, then "compinit -i" will no longer use it.

spiffy% chmod go+w /tmp/insecure/zsh.completiond
spiffy% FPATH="/tmp/insecure/zsh.completiond/:$FPATH"
spiffy% autoload -U compinit
spiffy% compinit -D -i
spiffy% which _foo
_foo not found
spiffy% foo
Desktop/      Library/      Public/       local/        var/
Documents/    Movies/       archives/     luggage/

I think this is an issue in compinit. Here's the test it uses for excluding insecure directories.

    (( $_i_wdirs[(I)$_i_dir] )) && continue

However, the $_i_wdirs variable only contains the parent dir /tmp/insecure, not /tmp/insecure/zsh.completiond itself, so it fails, and the dir is used for completion.

spiffy% fpath+=/tmp/insecure/zsh.completiond
spiffy% autoload -U compaudit; compaudit
There are insecure directories:
spiffy% _i_check=1; compaudit; echo $_i_wdirs

Am I understanding this right in terms of what "compinit -i" should be doing? Is this a bug?


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