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Re: backward-kill-shell-word widget

On Jan 10,  2:37pm, Sebastian Gniazdowski wrote:
} Subject: Re: backward-kill-shell-word widget
} [...] I just was about
} to decide to bind shell-worded transpose-words-match to Alt-r (have
} transpose-segment bound to Alt-t) and noticed that I rather want to
} keep select-word-style bash.  I rather want Ctrl-W to delete normal
} words.

Just to finish a thought started elsewhere:

    zstyle ':zle:(backward|)kill-word' word-style bash
    zstyle ':zle:(backward|)kill-word-match' word-style shell
    zstyle ':zle:transpose-words' word-style normal
    zstyle ':zle:transpose-words-match' word-style shell

There isn't a copy-prev-word-match yet, but there easily could be.

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