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Re: _git-reset doesn't complete newly staged files

In the case of

% git reset HEAD <TAB>

the patch below tries to offer only staged files (including
newly staged files which have never been committed).
A new function __git_staged_files() ignores unmerged (conflicting)
files, but I'm not sure this is correct or not.

In the case of

% git reset commit <TAB>    # commit is not HEAD

I have no idea what to do, so I just added __git_ignore_line
to the original code. 

diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_git b/Completion/Unix/Command/_git
index b7eaf2e..7a459f1 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_git
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_git
@@ -1377,7 +1377,11 @@ _git-reset () {
       if [[ -n $line[1] ]] && __git_is_committish $line[1]; then
-      __git_tree_files ${PREFIX:-.} $commit && ret=0
+      if [[ $commit == HEAD ]]; then
+	__git_ignore_line __git_staged_files && ret=0
+      else
+	__git_ignore_line __git_tree_files ${PREFIX:-.} $commit && ret=0
+      fi
@@ -6131,6 +6135,29 @@ __git_tree_files () {
   _wanted files expl 'tree file' _multi_parts -f $compadd_opts -- / tree_files
+(( $+functions[__git_staged_files] )) ||
+__git_staged_files () {
+  local -a slist staged_files
+  local item expl i
+  slist=(${(0)"$(_call_program staged-files git status -z -uno 2>/dev/null)"})
+  __git_command_successful $pipestatus || return 1
+  for (( i = 1; i <= $#slist; ++i )) do
+    item=$slist[i]
+    if [[ $item == (DD|AA|U|?U)* ]]; then
+      continue	  #XXX skip unmerged files
+    elif [[ $item == R* ]]; then
+      staged_files+=( $item[4,-1] $slist[++i] )
+    elif [[ $item == [ACDM]* ]]; then
+      staged_files+=( $item[4,-1] )
+    fi
+  done
+  staged_files=( ${(0)"$(__git_files_relative ${(pj:\0:)staged_files})"} )
+  _wanted staged-files expl 'staged file' compadd "$@" -a - staged_files
 # Repository Argument Types
 (( $+functions[__git_remote_repositories] )) ||

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