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Re: __git_ignore_line positional argument (un)escaping (was: Re: _git-reset doesn't complete newly staged files)

Jun T. wrote on Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 17:24:02 +0900:
> On 2016/03/11, at 8:20, Daniel Shahaf <d.s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > 
> > With just ${(Q)line[...}}, you lose the ability to distinguish «git add
> > f\[a-z\]o <TAB>» from «git add f[a-z]o <TAB>».
> (snip)
> With the following style:
> zstyle ':completion:*:*:ls:*' ignore-line true               
> With the current git HEAD:
> [1]% touch foo 'f[a-z]o' '[f]oo'
> [2]% ls f\[a-z\]o <TAB>      # OK: f\[a-z\]o not offered
> [3]% git add f\[a-z\] <TAB>  # no: f\[a-z\]o is offered again
> [4]% ls f[a-z]o <TAB>        # no: foo is offered
> [5]% git add f[a-z]o <TAB>   # no: foo is offered
> With ${(bQ)..} in __git_ignore_line and _description:
> [6]% ls f\[a-z\]o <TAB>      # no: f\[a-z\]o is offered again
> [7]% git add f\[a-z\] <TAB>  # OK: f\[a-z\]o is not offered
> [8]% ls f[a-z]o <TAB>        # OK: foo is not offered
> [9]% git add f[a-z]o <TAB>   # OK: foo is not offered
> I don't know why the behavior is different between ls and git add
> in the first two cases ([2][3]/[6][7]), because _description and
>  __git_ignore_line uses virtually the same escaping method.

I don't understand the difference either, and I'm afraid I don't have
the brainwidth to look into the 'ls'/_description issue at the moment.
However, since using (bQ) in _git seems to have no adverse effect, I'll
go ahead and commit 38129.  (We can always back it out if we find it
introduces a regression.)

> If I have
> zstyle ':completion:*:*:(^rm):*:*files' ignored-patterns '*?.o' '*?.old'
> then '-F _comp_ignore' is passed to compadd, and the '-F ignored' added
> by __git_ignore_line has no effect. Of course I can use
> zstyle ':completion:*:*:(^(rm|git*)):*:*files' ...
> but ...

Seems like the easy fix would be to make compadd take multiple -F
options, so «compadd -F foo -F bar» would use both 'foo' and 'bar'.

Implementing this would consist of changing this piece of code ('sp' is
the place to append to, 'p' is a pointer into 'argv' which are the
arguments of compadd; the «if (!*sp)» will need to grow an 'else'

diff --git a/Src/Zle/complete.c b/Src/Zle/complete.c
index ee4e5b0..30fab54 100644
--- a/Src/Zle/complete.c
+++ b/Src/Zle/complete.c
@@ -704,15 +704,18 @@ bin_compadd(char *name, char **argv, UNUSED(Options ops), UNUSED(int func))
 	    if (sp) {
 		if (p[1]) {
+		    /* Pasted argument: -Xfoo. */
 		    if (!*sp)
 			*sp = p + 1;
 		    p = "" - 1;
 		} else if (argv[1]) {
+		    /* Argument in a separate word: -X foo. */
 		    if (!*sp)
 			*sp = *argv;
 		    p = "" - 1;
 		} else {
+		    /* Missing argument: argv[N] == "-X", argv[N+1] == NULL. */
 		    zwarnnam(name, e, *p);
 		    return 1;



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