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Re: _libvirt, $opt_args, and noglob

Daniel Shahaf wrote on Sun, Sep 04, 2016 at 18:26:22 +0000:
> In the special case of _libvirt, simply adding noglob to the
> _call_program arguments would probably fix this.

Done, but the last line touches the sudo invocation from Oliver's
gain-privileges patch.  Oliver: shall I wait with committing this until
you've committed gain-privileges?

diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_libvirt b/Completion/Unix/Command/_libvirt
index 658e197..2a0a34c 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_libvirt
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_libvirt
@@ -140,51 +140,51 @@ case $state in
     local -a values
     case $words[CURRENT-1] in
-        values=( $(_call_program domains "virsh $conn_opt list ${dom_opts[$cmd]:-"--all"} --name") )
+        values=( $(_call_program domains "noglob virsh $conn_opt list ${dom_opts[$cmd]:-"--all"} --name") )
         [[ -n $values ]] && _wanted domains expl domain compadd ${=values} && return 0
         return 1
-        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program interfaces "virsh $conn_opt iface-list ${iface_opts[$cmd]:-"--all"}")"}/ Name*/}:#---*}/  */} )
+        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program interfaces "noglob virsh $conn_opt iface-list ${iface_opts[$cmd]:-"--all"}")"}/ Name*/}:#---*}/  */} )
         [[ -n $values ]] && _wanted interfaces expl interface compadd ${=values} && return 0
         return 1
-        values=( $(_call_program networks "virsh $conn_opt net-list ${net_opts[$cmd]:-"--all"} --name") )
+        values=( $(_call_program networks "noglob virsh $conn_opt net-list ${net_opts[$cmd]:-"--all"} --name") )
         [[ -n $values ]] && _wanted networks expl network compadd ${=values} && return 0
         return 1
-        values; values=( $(_call_program nodedevs "virsh $conn_opt nodedev-list") )
+        values; values=( $(_call_program nodedevs "noglob virsh $conn_opt nodedev-list") )
         [[ -n $values ]] && _wanted devices expl device compadd ${=values} && return 0
         return 1
-        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program nwfilters "virsh $conn_opt nwfilter-list")"}/ UUID*/}:#---*}/  */} )
+        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program nwfilters "noglob virsh $conn_opt nwfilter-list")"}/ UUID*/}:#---*}/  */} )
         [[ -n $values ]] && _wanted nwfilters expl nwfilter compadd ${=values} && return 0
         return 1
-        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program pools "virsh $conn_opt pool-list ${pool_opts[$cmd]:-"--all"}")"}/ Name*/}:#---*}/  */} )
+        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program pools "noglob virsh $conn_opt pool-list ${pool_opts[$cmd]:-"--all"}")"}/ Name*/}:#---*}/  */} )
         [[ -n $values ]] && _wanted pools expl pool compadd ${=values} && return 0
         return 1
-        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program secrets "virsh $conn_opt secret-list")"}/ UUID*/}:#---*}/  */} )
+        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program secrets "noglob virsh $conn_opt secret-list")"}/ UUID*/}:#---*}/  */} )
         [[ -n $values ]] && _wanted secrets expl secret compadd ${=values} && return 0
         return 1
         local dom ; (( ${(k)words[(I)--domain]} > 0 )) && dom=${words[1+${(k)words[(I)--domain]}]}
         [[ -z $dom ]] && return 1
-        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program snapshots "virsh $conn_opt snapshot-list --domain ${(q)dom} 2>/dev/null")"}/ Name*/}:#---*}/  */} )
+        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program snapshots "noglob virsh $conn_opt snapshot-list --domain ${(q)dom} 2>/dev/null")"}/ Name*/}:#---*}/  */} )
         [[ -n $values ]] && _wanted snapshots expl snapshot compadd ${=values} && return 0
         return 1
         local pool ; (( ${(k)words[(I)--pool]} > 0 )) && pool=${words[1+${(k)words[(I)--pool]}]}
         [[ -z $pool ]] && return 1
-        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program volumes "virsh $conn_opt vol-list --pool ${(q)pool} 2>/dev/null")"}/ Name*/}:#---*}/  */} )
+        values=( ${${${${(f):-"$(_call_program volumes "noglob virsh $conn_opt vol-list --pool ${(q)pool} 2>/dev/null")"}/ Name*/}:#---*}/  */} )
         [[ -n $values ]] && _wanted volumes expl volume compadd ${=values} && return 0
         return 1
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ case $state in
     # Allow passing domain without --domain with few of the most used commands
     if [[ $cmd == (destroy|reboot|reset|start|shutdown) ]]; then
       if [[ $words[CURRENT-1] == $cmd ]]; then
-        values=( $(_call_program domains "virsh $conn_opt list ${dom_opts[$cmd]:-"--all"} --name") )
+        values=( $(_call_program domains "noglob virsh $conn_opt list ${dom_opts[$cmd]:-"--all"} --name") )
         [[ -n $values ]] && _wanted domains expl domain compadd ${=values} && return 0
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ case $state in
       local srv ; (( ${(k)words[(I)--server]} > 0 )) && srv=${words[1+${(k)words[(I)--server]}]}
       [[ -z $srv ]] && return 1
       [[ -n ${srv//[[:alnum:]]} ]] && return 1
-      _wanted clients expl client compadd ${=${${(f):-"$(sudo virt-admin ${(Q)conn_opt} srv-clients-list --server $srv 2>/dev/null)"}/ [a-z]*}//[^0-9]} && return 0
+      _wanted clients expl client compadd ${=${${(f):-"$(noglob sudo virt-admin ${(Q)conn_opt} srv-clients-list --server $srv 2>/dev/null)"}/ [a-z]*}//[^0-9]} && return 0
     [[ -z $_cache_virt_admin_cmd_opts[$cmd] ]] && \
       _cache_virt_admin_cmd_opts[$cmd]=${(M)${${${${=${(f)"$(_call_program virt-admin virt-admin help $cmd 2>&1)"}}/\[}/\]}/\;}:#-[-0-9A-Za-z]*}

> This might not work for arbitrary other callsites, though.  I think
> the general fix would be to backslash-escape the characters that "need
> escaping only when noglob is not present".  (Neither (q) nor (b) do
> this since both of them escape backslashes.)

Leaving this for Future Work.



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