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PATCH Completion for _yum (contains FIXMEs)

Hash: SHA256


as posted [here][1] I'm attaching my patch for the completion of yum.

In two versions: once just the changes I did, and then the outcome of
autoindenting (the original file was anyhow mixed in tabs and spaces so
i didn't bother to reproduce the indentation style)

There are two fixmes for which I'd need suggestions. Some of the yum
history commands take IDs of past transactions. Single IDs or ID ranges,

   yum history list 3..16

where IDs range from 1 to
`yum history stats | grep Transactions | sed "s/.*: //"`

At the moment, there are just '1' '2' '3' '1..2' '1..3' '2..3' hard
coded as place holders. I don't know what's a sensible way to provide
a completion for these.

Thanks for consideration,

[1] : https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh/pull/10
Version: GnuPG v2

From d6d425f5469299d7ae7ae6c33769868eb0b0e87e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul Seyfert <paul.seyfert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 01:42:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] extend yum completion

Follwing the man page of yum 3.2.29

 * update-to (just what update expands)
 * upgrade-to (just what update expands)
 * history (the actual tricky one)
 * help (printing the available commands)
 * load-transaction (_files)
 * load-ts (_files)
 * check (just what the man page suggested)
 * reinstall (just what erase does - suggest installed packages)
 * downgrade (just what erase does - suggest installed packages)
 * repolist (just what the man page suggested)
 * distribution-synchronization (just what erase does - suggest installed packages)
 * distro-sync (just what erase does - suggest installed packages)

auto indented entire file
 Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum | 508 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 320 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum b/Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum
index f453806..537b0da 100644
--- a/Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum
+++ b/Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum
@@ -3,293 +3,425 @@
 # Main dispatcher
-	local curcontext="$curcontext" state lstate line
-	_arguments -s \
-	   '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[show the help message]' \
-	   '(-t --tolerant)'{-t,--tolerant}'[be tolerant of errors]' \
-	   '(-C --cacheonly)'{-C,--cacheonly}'[run entirely from cache]' \
-	   '(-c --config)'{-c,--config=}'[config file location]:Yum conf file:_files' \
-	   '(-R --randomwait)'{-R,--randomwait=}'[maximum command wait time (in minutes)]:max wait time' \
-	   '(-d --debuglevel)'{-d,--debuglevel=}'[debug level (0-10)]:debug level' \
-	   '(-e --errorlevel)'{-e,--errorlevel=}'[error level (0-10)]:error level' \
-	   '(-y --assumeyes)'{-y,--assumeyes}'[answer yes for all questions]' \
-	   '--installroot=[set install root]:install root:_files -/' \
-	   '*--enablerepo=[enable or or more repositories]:repos to enable:_yum_disabled_repos_list' \
-	   '*--disablerepo=[disable one or more repositories]:disable repos:_yum_enabled_repos_list' \
-	   {*-x,*--exclude=}'[exclude package(s) by name or glob]:exclude packages' \
-	   '--version[show yum version]' \
-	   '--obsoletes[enable obsoletes processing during updates]' \
-	   '--nogpgcheck[disable gpg signature checking]' \
-	   '--noplugins[disable yum plugins]' \
-	   '--disablepresto[disable Presto plugin and don''''t download any deltarpms]' \
-	   '*::yum command:_yum_command'
+  local curcontext="$curcontext" state lstate line
+  _arguments -s \
+    '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[show the help message]' \
+    '(-t --tolerant)'{-t,--tolerant}'[be tolerant of errors]' \
+    '(-C --cacheonly)'{-C,--cacheonly}'[run entirely from cache]' \
+    '(-c --config)'{-c,--config=}'[config file location]:Yum conf file:_files' \
+    '(-R --randomwait)'{-R,--randomwait=}'[maximum command wait time (in minutes)]:max wait time' \
+    '(-d --debuglevel)'{-d,--debuglevel=}'[debug level (0-10)]:debug level' \
+    '(-e --errorlevel)'{-e,--errorlevel=}'[error level (0-10)]:error level' \
+    '(-y --assumeyes)'{-y,--assumeyes}'[answer yes for all questions]' \
+    '--installroot=[set install root]:install root:_files -/' \
+    '*--enablerepo=[enable or or more repositories]:repos to enable:_yum_disabled_repos_list' \
+    '*--disablerepo=[disable one or more repositories]:disable repos:_yum_enabled_repos_list' \
+    {*-x,*--exclude=}'[exclude package(s) by name or glob]:exclude packages' \
+    '--version[show yum version]' \
+    '--obsoletes[enable obsoletes processing during updates]' \
+    '--nogpgcheck[disable gpg signature checking]' \
+    '--noplugins[disable yum plugins]' \
+    '--disablepresto[disable Presto plugin and don''''t download any deltarpms]' \
+    '*::yum command:_yum_command'
 (( $+functions[_yum_command] )) || _yum_command() 
-  	local -a _yum_cmds
-  	_yum_cmds=(
-		"install:install the latest version of a package or group of packages"
-		"erase:remove an installed package (with its dependencies)"
-		"remove:remove an installed package (with its dependencies)"
-		"clean:clean local yum cache"
-		"deplist:gives a list of all dependencies for a package"
-		"check-update:check if any updates are available"
-		"info:get description of available packages"
-		"list:is used to list various information about packages"
-		"groupinfo:get info on package groups"
-		"groupinstall:install a package group or groups"
-		"groupremove:remove a package group or groups"
-		"grouplist:list package groups"
-		"groupupdate:update a package group or groups"
-		"localinstall:install packages with local rpm files"
-		"localupdate:update packages with local rpm files"
-		"makecache:makes a local yum cache"
-		"provides:find out which package provides some feature or file"
-		"whatprovides:find out which package provides some feature or file"
-		"resolvedep:list packages providing the specified dependencies"
-		"search:find any packages matching pattern"
-		"shell:enter the 'yum shell'"
-		"update:update one or more packages"
-		"upgrade:upgrade one or more packages"
-  	)
-  	if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
-		_describe -t commands 'yum command' _yum_cmds || compadd "$@"
-  	else
-    	local curcontext="$curcontext"
-	    cmd="${${_yum_cmds[(r)$words[1]:*]%%:*}}"
-		# Deal with any aliases
-		case $cmd in
-			remove) cmd="erase";;
-			whatprovides) cmd="provides";;
-			upgrade) cmd="update";;
-		esac
-    	if (( $#cmd )); then
-    		curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:yum-${cmd}:"
-	      	local update_policy
-		  	zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy update_policy
-		  	if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then
-				zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy _yum_caching_policy
-	  		fi
-      		_call_function ret _yum_$cmd || _message 'no more arguments'
-    	else
-      		_message "unknown yum command: $words[1]"
-    	fi
-    	return ret
-  	fi
+  local -a _yum_cmds
+  _yum_cmds=(
+    "install:install the latest version of a package or group of packages"
+    "erase:remove an installed package (with its dependencies)"
+    "remove:remove an installed package (with its dependencies)"
+    "clean:clean local yum cache"
+    "deplist:gives a list of all dependencies for a package"
+    "check-update:check if any updates are available"
+    "info:get description of available packages"
+    "list:is used to list various information about packages"
+    "groupinfo:get info on package groups"
+    "groupinstall:install a package group or groups"
+    "groupremove:remove a package group or groups"
+    "grouplist:list package groups"
+    "groupupdate:update a package group or groups"
+    "localinstall:install packages with local rpm files"
+    "localupdate:update packages with local rpm files"
+    "makecache:makes a local yum cache"
+    "provides:find out which package provides some feature or file"
+    "whatprovides:find out which package provides some feature or file"
+    "resolvedep:list packages providing the specified dependencies"
+    "search:find any packages matching pattern"
+    "shell:enter the 'yum shell'"
+    "update:update one or more packages"
+    "upgrade:upgrade one or more packages"
+    "update-to:update one or more packages taking obsoletes into account"
+    "upgrade-to:upgrade one or more packages taking obsoletes into account"
+    "history:view past transactions"
+    "help:produce help for all or given command"
+    "load-transaction:load a saved transaction from a textfile"
+    "load-ts:load a saved transaction from a textfile"
+    "check:Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+    "reinstall:reinstall a package"
+    "downgrade:downgrade a package"
+    "repolist:Display the configured software repositories"
+    "distribution-synchronization:Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+    "distro-sync:Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+  )
+  if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
+    _describe -t commands 'yum command' _yum_cmds || compadd "$@"
+  else
+    local curcontext="$curcontext"
+    cmd="${${_yum_cmds[(r)$words[1]:*]%%:*}}"
+    # Deal with any aliases
+    case $cmd in
+      remove) cmd="erase";;
+      whatprovides) cmd="provides";;
+      upgrade) cmd="update";;
+      upgrade-to) cmd="update";;
+      update-to) cmd="update";;
+      load-ts) cmd="load-transaction";;
+      distro-sync) cmd="distribution-synchronization";;
+    esac
+    if (( $#cmd )); then
+      curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:yum-${cmd}:"
+      local update_policy
+      zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy update_policy
+      if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then
+        zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy _yum_caching_policy
+      fi
+      if [ "$cmd" = "help" ]; then
+        if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+          local -a _yum_cmd_names
+          _yum_cmd_names=(${_yum_cmds%%:*})
+          _describe -t commands 'commands' _yum_cmd_names
+        else
+          _message 'no more arguments'
+        fi
+      else
+        _call_function ret _yum_$cmd || _message 'no more arguments'
+      fi
+    else
+      _message "unknown yum command: $words[1]"
+    fi
+    return ret
+  fi
+# Expand next argument after 'yum check'
+_yum_check() {
+  if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+    local -a chkargs
+    #chkargs=("dependencies" "duplicates" "obsoletes" "provides" "all") # according to man page
+    #chkargs=("dependencies" "duplicates" "all") # according to help
+    chkargs=("dependencies" "duplicates" "provides" "all") # what works for me
+    _describe -t arguments 'check arguments' chkargs
+  fi
+  return 0
+# Expand next argument after 'yum repolist'
+_yum_repolist() {
+  if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+    local -a suggests
+    suggests=("all" "enabled" "disabled")
+    _describe -t arguments 'repolist arguments' suggests
+  fi
+  return 0
+# Expand next argument after 'yum history'
+_yum_history() {
+  if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+    local -a historycommands
+    historycommands=('info' 'list' 'packages-list' 'packages-info' 'summary' 'addon-info' 'redo' 'undo' 'roll-back' 'new' 'sync' 'stats')
+    _describe -t commands 'yum history command' historycommands
+  fi
+  if (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
+    local -a ID_commands
+    local -a ID_range_commands
+    local -a package_commands
+    local -a suggests
+    local description
+    description=""
+    suggests=()
+    ID_commands=('summary' 'info' 'list' 'stats' 'addon-info')
+    ID_range_commands=('summary' 'info' 'list' 'stats')
+    package_commands=('summary' 'info' 'list' 'stats' 'packages-list' 'packages-info')
+    # packages-list, packages-info   : needs package name
+    # summary, info, list, stats     : ID, ID range, package name
+    # addon-info                     : ID
+    # redo, undo, roll-back, sync    : unknown
+    if [[ -n "${ID_commands[(r)$words[2]]}" ]]; then
+      description+="IDs"
+      # FIXME: hard coded IDs just a draft
+      suggests+=('last' 'all' 1 2 3)
+    fi
+    if [[ -n "${ID_range_commands[(r)$words[2]]}" ]]; then
+      if [[ -n $description ]] ; then description+=", "; fi
+      description+="ID ranges"
+      # FIXME: hard coded IDs just a draft
+      suggests+=('1..2' '2..3' '1..3')
+    fi
+    if [[ -n "${package_commands[(r)$words[2]]}" ]]; then
+      if [[ -n $description ]] ; then description+=", "; fi
+      description+="packages"
+      _yum_installed_pkgs
+      suggests+=($_installed_pkgs)
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -n $description ]] ; then
+      _message "unknown expansion for: yum history $words[2]"
+    else
+      _describe $description suggests
+    fi
+  fi
+  if (( CURRENT == 4 )); then
+    if [ "$words[2]" = "addon-info" ]; then
+      local -a historyargs
+      historyargs=(saved_tx)
+      _describe 'additional option' historyargs
+    fi
+  fi
 # Fills the all pkg cache
-	if ( [[ ${+_all_pkgs} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid ALL ) &&
-		! _retrieve_cache ALL;
-	then
-		_all_pkgs=( $(yum -C list all | sed 's/\s.*//' | grep '\.' 2>/dev/null) )
-		_store_cache ALL _all_pkgs
-	fi
+  if ( [[ ${+_all_pkgs} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid ALL ) &&
+    ! _retrieve_cache ALL;
+  _all_pkgs=( $(yum -C list all | sed 's/\s.*//' | grep '\.' 2>/dev/null) )
+  _store_cache ALL _all_pkgs
 # Fills the installed pkg cache
-	if ( [[ ${+_installed_pkgs} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid INSTALLED ) &&
-		! _retrieve_cache INSTALLED;
-	then
-		_installed_pkgs=( $(yum -C list installed | sed 's/\s.*//' | grep '\.' 2>/dev/null) )
-		_store_cache INSTALLED _installed_pkgs
-	fi
+  if ( [[ ${+_installed_pkgs} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid INSTALLED ) &&
+    ! _retrieve_cache INSTALLED;
+  _installed_pkgs=( $(yum -C list installed | sed 's/\s.*//' | grep '\.' 2>/dev/null) )
+  _store_cache INSTALLED _installed_pkgs
 # Fills the available pkg cache
-	if ( [[ ${+_available_pkgs} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid AVAILABLE ) &&
-		! _retrieve_cache AVAILABLE;
-	then
-		_available_pkgs=( $(yum -C list available | sed 's/\s.*//' | grep '\.' 2>/dev/null) )
-		_store_cache AVAILABLE _available_pkgs
-	fi
+  if ( [[ ${+_available_pkgs} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid AVAILABLE ) &&
+    ! _retrieve_cache AVAILABLE;
+  _available_pkgs=( $(yum -C list available | sed 's/\s.*//' | grep '\.' 2>/dev/null) )
+  _store_cache AVAILABLE _available_pkgs
 # Fills the upgrade pkg cache
-	if ( [[ ${+_upgrade_pkgs} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid UPGRADE ) &&
-		! _retrieve_cache UPGRADE;
-	then
-		_upgrade_pkgs=( $(yum -C list upgrade | sed 's/\s.*//' | grep '\.' 2>/dev/null) )
-		_store_cache UPGRADE _upgrade_pkgs
-	fi
+  if ( [[ ${+_upgrade_pkgs} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid UPGRADE ) &&
+    ! _retrieve_cache UPGRADE;
+  _upgrade_pkgs=( $(yum -C list upgrade | sed 's/\s.*//' | grep '\.' 2>/dev/null) )
+  _store_cache UPGRADE _upgrade_pkgs
 # Gets the list of defined repos
 yum_repos() {
-    local trepo
-    local -a tarray
-    tarray=( $(egrep -h '(^\[.*\]|^enabled.*=)' /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo /etc/yum.conf | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/\].*$//g' 2>/dev/null) )
-    local -i eindex=0
-    local -i dindex=0
-    for line in $tarray; do
-        if [[ "$line" = "enabled=1" ]]; then
-            enabled_yum_repos=($enabled_yum_repos $trepo)
-        elif [[ "$line" = "enabled=0" ]]; then
-            disabled_yum_repos=($disabled_yum_repos $trepo)
-        elif [[ "$line" != "main" ]]; then
-            trepo=$line
-        fi
-    done
+  local trepo
+  local -a tarray
+  tarray=( $(egrep -h '(^\[.*\]|^enabled.*=)' /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo /etc/yum.conf | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/\].*$//g' 2>/dev/null) )
+  local -i eindex=0
+  local -i dindex=0
+  for line in $tarray; do
+    if [[ "$line" = "enabled=1" ]]; then
+      enabled_yum_repos=($enabled_yum_repos $trepo)
+    elif [[ "$line" = "enabled=0" ]]; then
+      disabled_yum_repos=($disabled_yum_repos $trepo)
+    elif [[ "$line" != "main" ]]; then
+      trepo=$line
+    fi
+  done
 (( $+functions[_yum_disabled_repos_list] )) || _yum_disabled_repos_list()
-	compset -P '*,'
-	compset -S ',*'
-	yum_repos			
-	compadd "$@" -a -- disabled_yum_repos
+  compset -P '*,'
+  compset -S ',*'
+  yum_repos			
+  compadd "$@" -a -- disabled_yum_repos
 (( $+functions[_yum_enabled_repos_list] )) || _yum_enabled_repos_list()
-	compset -P '*,'
-	compset -S ',*'
-	yum_repos			
-	compadd "$@" -a -- enabled_yum_repos
+  compset -P '*,'
+  compset -S ',*'
+  yum_repos			
+  compadd "$@" -a -- enabled_yum_repos
+# Suggest installed packages
+_yum_act_on_installed_pkgs() {
+  _yum_installed_pkgs
+  compadd "$@" -a -- _installed_pkgs
+# Completion function for distribution-synchronization|distro-sync
+(( $+functions[_yum_distribution-synchronization] )) || _yum_distribution-synchronization()
+  _yum_act_on_installed_pkgs
 # Completion function for erase|remove
 (( $+functions[_yum_erase] )) || _yum_erase()
-	_yum_installed_pkgs
-	compadd "$@" -a -- _installed_pkgs
+  _yum_act_on_installed_pkgs
+# Completion function for downgrade
+(( $+functions[_yum_downgrade] )) || _yum_downgrade()
+  _yum_act_on_installed_pkgs
+# Completion function for reinstall
+(( $+functions[_yum_reinstall] )) || _yum_reinstall()
+  _yum_act_on_installed_pkgs
 # Completion function for install
 (( $+functions[_yum_install] )) || _yum_install()
-        if ! [[ $PREFIX == */* ]]; then
-          _yum_available_pkgs
-        fi
+  if ! [[ $PREFIX == */* ]]; then
+    _yum_available_pkgs
+  fi
+  local ret=1
+  _tags files packages
+  while _tags; do
+    if _requested files; then
+      compadd "$@" -a -- _available_pkgs
+    fi
+    if _requested packages; then
+      _call_function - _yum_localinstall
+    fi
+    (( ret )) || break
+  done
+  return ret
-        local ret=1
-        _tags files packages
-        while _tags; do
-          if _requested files; then
-            compadd "$@" -a -- _available_pkgs
-          fi
-          if _requested packages; then
-            _call_function - _yum_localinstall
-          fi
-          (( ret )) || break
-        done
-        return ret
+# Completion function for load-transaction
+(( $+functions[_yum_load-transaction] )) || _yum_load-transaction()
+  _files
 # Completion function for localinstall
 (( $+functions[_yum_localinstall] )) || _yum_localinstall()
-	_files -/ -g '(#i)*.rpm(-.)'
+  _files -/ -g '(#i)*.rpm(-.)'
 # Completion function for localupdate
 (( $+functions[_yum_localupdate] )) || _yum_localupdate()
-	_files -/ -g '(#i)*.rpm(-.)'
+  _files -/ -g '(#i)*.rpm(-.)'
 # Completion function for update/upgrade
 (( $+functions[_yum_update] )) || _yum_update()
-	_yum_upgrade_pkgs
-	compadd "$@" -a -- _upgrade_pkgs
+  _yum_upgrade_pkgs
+  compadd "$@" -a -- _upgrade_pkgs
 # Completion function for deplist
 (( $+functions[_yum_deplist] )) || _yum_deplist()
-	_yum_available_pkgs
-	compadd "$@" -a -- _available_pkgs
+  _yum_available_pkgs
+  compadd "$@" -a -- _available_pkgs
-	_yum_all_pkgs
-	compadd "$@" -a -- _all_pkgs
+  _yum_all_pkgs
+  compadd "$@" -a -- _all_pkgs
-	local -a listlist
-	listlist=(
-		"all:all packages in repositories"
-		"available:packages available in repositories"
-		"updates:packages with updates available"
-		"installed:installed packages"
-		"extras:packages installed that are not available in any yum repository"
-		"obsoletes:packages installed that are obsoleted"
-		"recent:packages recently added to repositories"
-	)
-  	if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
-		_describe -t yum-list-subcmds "Yum info/list sub-commands" listlist || _yum_all
-	else
-	    local subcmd
-		subcmd="${${listlist[(r)$words[2]:*]%%:*}}"
-		# offer packages selected by the subcommand
-		case $subcmd in
-			all) _yum_all;;
-			installed) _yum_erase;;
-			available) _yum_install;;
-			updates) _yum_update;;
-		esac
-	fi
+  local -a listlist
+  listlist=(
+    "all:all packages in repositories"
+    "available:packages available in repositories"
+    "updates:packages with updates available"
+    "installed:installed packages"
+    "extras:packages installed that are not available in any yum repository"
+    "obsoletes:packages installed that are obsoleted"
+    "recent:packages recently added to repositories"
+  )
+  if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+    _describe -t yum-list-subcmds "Yum info/list sub-commands" listlist || _yum_all
+  else
+    local subcmd
+    subcmd="${${listlist[(r)$words[2]:*]%%:*}}"
+    # offer packages selected by the subcommand
+    case $subcmd in
+      all) _yum_all;;
+      installed) _yum_erase;;
+      available) _yum_install;;
+      updates) _yum_update;;
+    esac
+  fi
 # Completion function for list
 (( $+functions[_yum_list] )) || _yum_list()
-	_yum_list_or_info
+  _yum_list_or_info
 # Completion function for info
 (( $+functions[_yum_info] )) || _yum_info()
-	_yum_list_or_info
+  _yum_list_or_info
 # Completion function for provides|whatprovides
 (( $+functions[_yum_provides] )) || _yum_provides()
-	_files	
+  _files	
 # Completion function for resolvedep
 (( $+functions[_yum_resolvedep] )) || _yum_resolvedep()
-	_files	
+  _files	
 # Completion function for clean
 (( $+functions[_yum_clean] )) || _yum_clean()
-	local -a cleanlist
-	cleanlist=(
-		"all:all cache"
-		"cache:all cache"
-		"dbcache:DB cache"
-		"headers:cache headers"
-		"packages:cache packages"
-		"metadata:cache meta-data"
-	)
-  	if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
-		_describe -t yum-clean-subcmds "Yum clean sub-commands" cleanlist 
-	fi
+  local -a cleanlist
+  cleanlist=(
+    "all:all cache"
+    "cache:all cache"
+    "dbcache:DB cache"
+    "headers:cache headers"
+    "packages:cache packages"
+    "metadata:cache meta-data"
+  )
+  if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+    _describe -t yum-clean-subcmds "Yum clean sub-commands" cleanlist 
+  fi

From 72f9dd44c4856caf9b1c60e7df732d19ebe0c3b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul Seyfert <paul.seyfert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 01:42:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] extend yum completion

 Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum | 246 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 189 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum b/Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum
index f453806..139bcbd 100644
--- a/Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum
+++ b/Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum
@@ -28,63 +28,166 @@ _yum()
 (( $+functions[_yum_command] )) || _yum_command() 
-  	local -a _yum_cmds
-  	_yum_cmds=(
-		"install:install the latest version of a package or group of packages"
-		"erase:remove an installed package (with its dependencies)"
-		"remove:remove an installed package (with its dependencies)"
-		"clean:clean local yum cache"
-		"deplist:gives a list of all dependencies for a package"
-		"check-update:check if any updates are available"
-		"info:get description of available packages"
-		"list:is used to list various information about packages"
-		"groupinfo:get info on package groups"
-		"groupinstall:install a package group or groups"
-		"groupremove:remove a package group or groups"
-		"grouplist:list package groups"
-		"groupupdate:update a package group or groups"
-		"localinstall:install packages with local rpm files"
-		"localupdate:update packages with local rpm files"
-		"makecache:makes a local yum cache"
-		"provides:find out which package provides some feature or file"
-		"whatprovides:find out which package provides some feature or file"
-		"resolvedep:list packages providing the specified dependencies"
-		"search:find any packages matching pattern"
-		"shell:enter the 'yum shell'"
-		"update:update one or more packages"
-		"upgrade:upgrade one or more packages"
-  	)
-  	if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
-		_describe -t commands 'yum command' _yum_cmds || compadd "$@"
-  	else
-    	local curcontext="$curcontext"
-	    cmd="${${_yum_cmds[(r)$words[1]:*]%%:*}}"
-		# Deal with any aliases
-		case $cmd in
-			remove) cmd="erase";;
-			whatprovides) cmd="provides";;
-			upgrade) cmd="update";;
-		esac
-    	if (( $#cmd )); then
-    		curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:yum-${cmd}:"
-	      	local update_policy
-		  	zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy update_policy
-		  	if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then
-				zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy _yum_caching_policy
-	  		fi
-      		_call_function ret _yum_$cmd || _message 'no more arguments'
-    	else
-      		_message "unknown yum command: $words[1]"
-    	fi
-    	return ret
-  	fi
+  local -a _yum_cmds
+  _yum_cmds=(
+  "install:install the latest version of a package or group of packages"
+  "erase:remove an installed package (with its dependencies)"
+  "remove:remove an installed package (with its dependencies)"
+  "clean:clean local yum cache"
+  "deplist:gives a list of all dependencies for a package"
+  "check-update:check if any updates are available"
+  "info:get description of available packages"
+  "list:is used to list various information about packages"
+  "groupinfo:get info on package groups"
+  "groupinstall:install a package group or groups"
+  "groupremove:remove a package group or groups"
+  "grouplist:list package groups"
+  "groupupdate:update a package group or groups"
+  "localinstall:install packages with local rpm files"
+  "localupdate:update packages with local rpm files"
+  "makecache:makes a local yum cache"
+  "provides:find out which package provides some feature or file"
+  "whatprovides:find out which package provides some feature or file"
+  "resolvedep:list packages providing the specified dependencies"
+  "search:find any packages matching pattern"
+  "shell:enter the 'yum shell'"
+  "update:update one or more packages"
+  "upgrade:upgrade one or more packages"
+  "update-to:update one or more packages taking obsoletes into account"
+  "upgrade-to:upgrade one or more packages taking obsoletes into account"
+  "history:view past transactions"
+  "help:produce help for all or given command"
+  "load-transaction:load a saved transaction from a textfile"
+  "load-ts:load a saved transaction from a textfile"
+  "check:Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+  "reinstall:reinstall a package"
+  "downgrade:downgrade a package"
+  "repolist:Display the configured software repositories"
+  "distribution-synchronization:Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+  "distro-sync:Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+  )
+  if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
+    _describe -t commands 'yum command' _yum_cmds || compadd "$@"
+  else
+    local curcontext="$curcontext"
+    cmd="${${_yum_cmds[(r)$words[1]:*]%%:*}}"
+    # Deal with any aliases
+    case $cmd in
+      remove) cmd="erase";;
+      whatprovides) cmd="provides";;
+      upgrade) cmd="update";;
+      upgrade-to) cmd="update";;
+      update-to) cmd="update";;
+      load-ts) cmd="load-transaction";;
+      distro-sync) cmd="distribution-synchronization";;
+    esac
+    if (( $#cmd )); then
+      curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:yum-${cmd}:"
+      local update_policy
+      zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy update_policy
+      if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then
+        zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy _yum_caching_policy
+      fi
+      if [ "$cmd" = "help" ]; then
+        if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+          local -a _yum_cmd_names
+          _yum_cmd_names=(${_yum_cmds%%:*})
+          _describe -t commands 'commands' _yum_cmd_names
+        else
+          _message 'no more arguments'
+        fi
+      else
+        _call_function ret _yum_$cmd || _message 'no more arguments'
+      fi
+    else
+      _message "unknown yum command: $words[1]"
+    fi
+    return ret
+  fi
+# Expand next argument after 'yum check'
+_yum_check() {
+  if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+    local -a chkargs
+    #chkargs=("dependencies" "duplicates" "obsoletes" "provides" "all") # according to man page
+    #chkargs=("dependencies" "duplicates" "all") # according to help
+    chkargs=("dependencies" "duplicates" "provides" "all") # what works for me
+    _describe -t arguments 'check arguments' chkargs
+  fi
+  return 0
+# Expand next argument after 'yum repolist'
+_yum_repolist() {
+  if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+    local -a suggests
+    suggests=("all" "enabled" "disabled")
+    _describe -t arguments 'repolist arguments' suggests
+  fi
+  return 0
+# Expand next argument after 'yum history'
+_yum_history() {
+  if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
+    local -a historycommands
+    historycommands=('info' 'list' 'packages-list' 'packages-info' 'summary' 'addon-info' 'redo' 'undo' 'roll-back' 'new' 'sync' 'stats')
+    _describe -t commands 'yum history command' historycommands
+  fi
+  if (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
+    local -a ID_commands
+    local -a ID_range_commands
+    local -a package_commands
+    local -a suggests
+    local description
+    description=""
+    suggests=()
+    ID_commands=('summary' 'info' 'list' 'stats' 'addon-info')
+    ID_range_commands=('summary' 'info' 'list' 'stats')
+    package_commands=('summary' 'info' 'list' 'stats' 'packages-list' 'packages-info')
+    # packages-list, packages-info   : needs package name
+    # summary, info, list, stats     : ID, ID range, package name
+    # addon-info                     : ID
+    # redo, undo, roll-back, sync    : unknown
+    if [[ -n "${ID_commands[(r)$words[2]]}" ]]; then
+      description+="IDs"
+      # FIXME: hard coded IDs just a draft
+      suggests+=('last' 'all' 1 2 3)
+    fi
+    if [[ -n "${ID_range_commands[(r)$words[2]]}" ]]; then
+      if [[ -n $description ]] ; then description+=", "; fi
+      description+="ID ranges"
+      # FIXME: hard coded IDs just a draft
+      suggests+=('1..2' '2..3' '1..3')
+    fi
+    if [[ -n "${package_commands[(r)$words[2]]}" ]]; then
+      if [[ -n $description ]] ; then description+=", "; fi
+      description+="packages"
+      _yum_installed_pkgs
+      suggests+=($_installed_pkgs)
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -n $description ]] ; then
+      _message "unknown expansion for: yum history $words[2]"
+    else
+      _describe $description suggests
+    fi
+  fi
+  if (( CURRENT == 4 )); then
+    if [ "$words[2]" = "addon-info" ]; then
+      local -a historyargs
+      historyargs=(saved_tx)
+      _describe 'additional option' historyargs
+    fi
+  fi
 # Fills the all pkg cache
@@ -163,11 +266,34 @@ yum_repos() {
 	compadd "$@" -a -- enabled_yum_repos
+# Suggest installed packages
+_yum_act_on_installed_pkgs() {
+	_yum_installed_pkgs
+	compadd "$@" -a -- _installed_pkgs
+# Completion function for distribution-synchronization|distro-sync
+(( $+functions[_yum_distribution-synchronization] )) || _yum_distribution-synchronization()
+  _yum_act_on_installed_pkgs
 # Completion function for erase|remove
 (( $+functions[_yum_erase] )) || _yum_erase()
-	_yum_installed_pkgs
-	compadd "$@" -a -- _installed_pkgs
+  _yum_act_on_installed_pkgs
+# Completion function for downgrade
+(( $+functions[_yum_downgrade] )) || _yum_downgrade()
+  _yum_act_on_installed_pkgs
+# Completion function for reinstall
+(( $+functions[_yum_reinstall] )) || _yum_reinstall()
+  _yum_act_on_installed_pkgs
 # Completion function for install
@@ -191,6 +317,12 @@ yum_repos() {
         return ret
+# Completion function for load-transaction
+(( $+functions[_yum_load-transaction] )) || _yum_load-transaction()
+	_files
 # Completion function for localinstall
 (( $+functions[_yum_localinstall] )) || _yum_localinstall()

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