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Re: PATCH: print -v with an array

On 21 Sep, Bart wrote:
> Yes, I'm wondering if print -S -f ... should just be an error.

Combining print -S with multiple arguments with a zsh debug build is printing:
 exec.c:3837: BUG: q = 3 != queue_in = 4

> } I'd vote for the two consecutive newlines in the case of both -l and -c.
> Feel free to fix this when you make whatever other tweaks emerge from
> the foregoing conversation.

The patch below does that. It also adds -S to _print which ends up
looking like a big change because -S gets added to the exclusion list of
most other options. There's probably further exclusions that could be
added there.

I've also updated two further uses of printf in completion functions to
make use of the new feature - in _fc and _ps1234.

The most notable thing about this patch is what it does not do. I've
not moved the array behaviour to a -A option. That's not something I'm
especially bothered about and if someone is keen to change it then I
don't especially care.

-A would have been more consistent with read/set and avoids any
need to declare the array. But I don't like needlessly cluttering
builtins with ever more options, -A would not have worked with any
other print option besides -f and I like the fact that this change
gives -v a use that isn't covered by process substitution. Finally,
as I couldn't decide, sticking with what I have is the least effort.


diff --git a/Completion/Zsh/Command/_fc b/Completion/Zsh/Command/_fc
index b90436a..6cc01f3 100644
--- a/Completion/Zsh/Command/_fc
+++ b/Completion/Zsh/Command/_fc
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 #compdef fc history r
 local curcontext="$curcontext" state state_descr line ret=1
-local events num cmd sep
+local num cmd sep
+local -a events
 typeset -A opt_args
 local fc_common fc_hist fc_r
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ if [[ -n $state ]]; then
   if [[ -z ${line:#*=*} ]] && compset -P 1 '*='; then
     _message -e replacements 'replacement'
   elif [[ -prefix [0-9] ]]; then
-    events=( ${(0)"$(printf "%-${#HISTNO}.${#HISTNO}s $sep %s\0" "${(kv)history[@]}")"} )
+    print -v events -f "%-${#HISTNO}.${#HISTNO}s $sep %s" "${(kv)history[@]}"
     _wanted -2V events expl "$state_descr" compadd -M "B:0=" -ld events - \
         "${events[@]%% *}"
   elif [[ -prefix - ]]; then
diff --git a/Completion/Zsh/Command/_print b/Completion/Zsh/Command/_print
index 8df0941..0610cd4 100644
--- a/Completion/Zsh/Command/_print
+++ b/Completion/Zsh/Command/_print
@@ -21,27 +21,28 @@ if [[ $service = print ]]; then
   _arguments -C -s -A "-*" -S \
     '-r[ignore escape conventions of echo]' \
-    '(-r -b -f -m -s -l -N -o -O -i -c -u -p -z -D -P)-R[emulate BSD echo (no escapes, -n & -e flags only)]' \
+    '(-r -b -f -m -s -S -l -N -o -O -i -c -u -p -z -D -P)-R[emulate BSD echo (no escapes, -n & -e flags only)]' \
     '-b[recognise bindkey escape sequences]' \
     '-m[remove arguments not matching specified pattern]:pattern' \
-    '(-n -R -l -N -c)-f+[print arguments as for the printf builtin]:format:->printfformat' \
-    '(-u -p -z)-s[place results in the history list]' \
+    '(-n -R -l -N -c -S)-f+[print arguments as for the printf builtin]:format:->printfformat' \
+    '(-u -p -z -S)-s[place results in the history list]' \
+    '(-a -f -c -C -i -l -o -O -N -u -p -v -z -s -x -X)-S[place results in the history list, after splitting argument into words]' \
     '(-c -f)-n[do not add a newline to the result]' \
-    '(-N -c -f)-l[print arguments separated by newlines]' \
-    '(-n -l -c -f)-N[print arguments separated and terminated by nulls]' \
-    '(-O)-o[sort arguments in ascending order]' \
-    '(-o)-O[sort arguments in descending order]' \
-    '-i[case-insensitive sorting]' \
-    '(-n -l -N -f -s -z)-a[with -c/-C, print arguments across before down]' \
-    '(-n -l -N -f -C -s -z)-c[print arguments in columns]' \
-    '(-n -l -N -f -c -s -z)-C+[print arguments in specified number of columns]:columns' \
-    '(-s -p -z)-u+[specify file descriptor to print arguments to]:file descriptor:_file_descriptors' \
-    '(-s -z -p -u)-v[store output in named parameter]:parameter:_parameters' \
-    '(-s -p -u)-z[push arguments onto editing buffer stack]' \
+    '(-N -c -f -S)-l[print arguments separated by newlines]' \
+    '(-n -l -c -f -S)-N[print arguments separated and terminated by nulls]' \
+    '(-O -S)-o[sort arguments in ascending order]' \
+    '(-o -S)-O[sort arguments in descending order]' \
+    '(-S)-i[case-insensitive sorting]' \
+    '(-n -l -N -f -s -S -z)-a[with -c/-C, print arguments across before down]' \
+    '(-n -l -N -f -C -s -S -z)-c[print arguments in columns]' \
+    '(-n -l -N -f -c -s -S -z)-C+[print arguments in specified number of columns]:columns' \
+    '(-s -S -p -z)-u+[specify file descriptor to print arguments to]:file descriptor:_file_descriptors' \
+    '(-s -S -z -p -u)-v[store output in named parameter]:parameter:_parameters' \
+    '(-s -S -p -u)-z[push arguments onto editing buffer stack]' \
     '-D[substitute any arguments which are named directories using ~ notation]' \
     '-P[perform prompt expansion]' \
-    '(-X -f -a -C -c -z)-x+[expand leading tabs]:tab width' \
-    '(-x -f -a -C -c -z)-X+[expand all tabs]:tab width' \
+    '(-X -f -a -C -c -s -S -z)-x+[expand leading tabs]:tab width' \
+    '(-x -f -a -C -c -s -S -z)-X+[expand all tabs]:tab width' \
     $pflag $eflag $rflag $rest && ret=0
 elif [[ $service = printf ]]; then
diff --git a/Completion/Zsh/Type/_ps1234 b/Completion/Zsh/Type/_ps1234
index 0671ceb..cf19822 100644
--- a/Completion/Zsh/Type/_ps1234
+++ b/Completion/Zsh/Type/_ps1234
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #compdef -value-,PROMPT,-default- -value-,PROMPT2,-default- -value-,PROMPT3,-default- -value-,PROMPT4,-default- -value-,RPROMPT,-default- -value-,RPROMPT2,-default- -value-,PS1,-default- -value-,PS2,-default- -value-,PS3,-default- -value-,PS4,-default- -value-,RPS1,-default- -value-,RPS2,-default- -value-,SPROMPT,-default-
-local -a specs
+local -a specs ccol
 local expl grp cols bs suf pre changed=1 ret=1
 local -A ansi
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ if compset -P '%[FK]'; then
   _description -V ansi-colors expl 'ansi color'
-  _comp_colors+=( ${(ps.\0.)"$(printf "($grp)=%s=%s\0" ${(kv)ansi})"} )
+  print -v ccol -f "($grp)=%s=%s" ${(kv)ansi}
+  _comp_colors+=( $ccol )
   compadd "$expl[@]" $suf $pre -k ansi && ret=0
   if (( $#suf )) && compset -P "(<->|%v)"; then
     _wanted ansi-colors expl 'closing brace' compadd -S '' \} && ret=0
diff --git a/Src/builtin.c b/Src/builtin.c
index 083a3ae..b7b7bdf 100644
--- a/Src/builtin.c
+++ b/Src/builtin.c
@@ -4621,7 +4621,8 @@ bin_print(char *name, char **args, Options ops, int func)
 			  OPT_ISSET(ops,'N') ? '\0' : ' ', fout);
-	if (!(OPT_ISSET(ops,'n') || OPT_ISSET(ops, 'v') || nnl))
+	if (!(OPT_ISSET(ops,'n') || nnl ||
+	    (OPT_ISSET(ops, 'v') && !OPT_ISSET(ops, 'l'))))
 	    fputc(OPT_ISSET(ops,'N') ? '\0' : '\n', fout);
 	if (IS_MSTREAM(fout) && (rcount = READ_MSTREAM(buf,fout)) == -1)
 	    ret = 1;

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