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addmodulefd(..., FDT_INTERNAL or FDT_MODULE);

I read whole 36870 topic ("Mangement of fdtable[]") and it's hard to get insight on FDT_INTERNAL vs. FDT_MODULE. I now follow initial db_gdbm.c code which used FDT_INTERNAL. Is it a good choice?

I think both gdbm and redis support cloned file descriptor on fork(), because test cases work fine – database-store in subshell works correctly. This also points that file descriptor isn't closed when using FDT_INTERNAL with addmodulefd().

To note, hiredis (unlike libsqlite3) exposes file descriptor in redisContext::fd field, so it's nice that gdbm and redis behave the same.
Sebastian Gniazdowski
psprint /at/ zdharma.org

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