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Re: [BUG?] If true-color is used, overlapping colors do not work

On Sun, 11 Nov 2018 at 01:43, Sebastian Gniazdowski
<sgniazdowski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've used zle -T tc tcfunc, which sets REPLY="", i.e. discards the
> codes. Should I change them to something? Because I'm only getting LE
> termcap command, moving cursor to the left (after printing POSTDISPLAY
> with zsh-autosuggestions text), some cd, ce, up commands and no codes
> for colors. Do you think I should not strip the termcap codes and
> specify them in test's expected output?

That was for non-zsh-f full featured Zsh session. I've added storing
of the termcap commands within the test. It's a sequence of only 2
codes, cd & ce:


I've checked their codes, they are the ^[[J, ^[[K that I'm removing by
// and in other (separate in execution) place by analogous sed
invocation. No other termcap command gets invoked during make
TESTNUM=X04. I wonder if maybe on your setup there is some other
termcap command invoked?

> I'm currently removing following escapes from all zpty output:
> - ^[[27m, ^[[24m, etc.
> - ^[[J
> - ^[[K
> - ^[[?2004h
> - e^Mexit -> exit
> - ^[[?2004l
> You seem to retrieve some other Zle-managing-output code (I think it's
> this) and the tests fail? Maybe it is already fixed by the late-Zle
> enabling, so you could try running the new test file?
> There are 6 tests currently:
> 0:basic region_highlight with 8 colors
> 0:basic region_highlight with true-color (hex-triplets)
> 0:basic region_highlight with near-color (hex-triplets at input)
> 0:overlapping region_highlight with 8 colors
> 0:overlapping region_highlight with true-color
> 0:overlapping region_highlight with near-color (hex-triplets at input)
> PS. Didn't yet search for terminfo file, just did export
> TERM=xterm-256, not actually sure how to search for the definition
> --
> Sebastian Gniazdowski
> News: https://twitter.com/ZdharmaI
> IRC: https://kiwiirc.com/client/chat.freenode.net:+6697/#zplugin
> Blog: http://zdharma.org

Sebastian Gniazdowski
News: https://twitter.com/ZdharmaI
IRC: https://kiwiirc.com/client/chat.freenode.net:+6697/#zplugin
Blog: http://zdharma.org

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