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Re: Bug report: Completion for dynamically named dirs fails when $SUFFIX is not empty

> On 21 January 2021 at 14:37 Marlon Richert <marlon.richert@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> % cd $(mktemp -d)
> % autoload -Uz compinit
> % compinit
> % zsh_directory_name() { [[ $1 == c ]] && compadd -S ']' foo }
> Given the above setup, when
>    1. $LBUFFER is `cd ~[` or `cd ~[fo`,
>    2. $RBUFFER is empty, and
>    3. I press ^I,
>    4. then $LBUFFER becomes `cd ~[foo]`.
>    1. $LBUFFER is `cd ~[`,
>    2. $RBUFFER is `fo` or `]`, and
>    3. I press ^I,
>    4. then completion beeps and the buffer remains unchanged.
> `functions -t _complete` shows that the problem is caused by
> $compstate[context] becoming `tilde` instead of `subscript` as soon as
> $SUFFIX is non-empty, which causes _complete() to not call _subscript(),
> which is the only point of entry to _dynamic_directory_name().

The following is somewhere near, but this is quite complex and somewhat
at odds with completion in other contexts --- it's not clear to me
whether or not I should need that special diversion in _main_complete
but currently I do.  (Your compadd -S ']' is going to add too many
']'s in this case, I think, but that's a separate problem.)


diff --git a/Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete b/Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete
index 6b2cf2bcf..2bcbd2118 100644
--- a/Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete
+++ b/Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete
@@ -94,8 +94,18 @@ if [[ -z "$compstate[quote]" ]]; then
   if [[ -o equals ]] && compset -P 1 '='; then
   elif [[ "$PREFIX" != */* && "$PREFIX[1]" = '~' ]]; then
-    compset -p 1
-    compstate[context]=tilde
+    if [[ "$PREFIX" = '~['[^\]]## ]]; then
+      # Inside ~[...] should be treated as a subscript.
+      compset -p 2
+      # To be consistent, we ignore all but the contents of the square
+      # brackets.
+      compset -S '\]*'
+      compstate[context]=subscript
+      [[ -n $_comps[-subscript-] ]] && $_comps[-subscript-] && return
+    else
+      compset -p 1
+      compstate[context]=tilde
+    fi
diff --git a/Completion/Zsh/Context/_subscript b/Completion/Zsh/Context/_subscript
index 0c9a89ad5..0d9632864 100644
--- a/Completion/Zsh/Context/_subscript
+++ b/Completion/Zsh/Context/_subscript
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 #compdef -subscript-
-local expl ind osuf=']' flags sep
+local expl ind osuf flags sep
+[[ $ISUFFIX = *\]* ]] || osuf=\]
 if [[ "$1" = -q ]]; then
   compquote osuf
diff --git a/Functions/Chpwd/zsh_directory_name_cdr b/Functions/Chpwd/zsh_directory_name_cdr
index cb72e4600..b653e7c38 100644
--- a/Functions/Chpwd/zsh_directory_name_cdr
+++ b/Functions/Chpwd/zsh_directory_name_cdr
@@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ elif [[ $1 = c ]]; then
     typeset -a keys values
     values=(${${(f)"$(cdr -l)"}/ ##/:})
+    local addsuffix
+    [[ $ISUFFIX = *\]* ]] || addsuffix='-S]'
     _describe -t dir-index 'recent directory index' \
-      values -V unsorted -S']'
+      values -V unsorted $addsuffix
diff --git a/Src/Zle/zle_main.c b/Src/Zle/zle_main.c
index 8c0534708..1622d8a6b 100644
--- a/Src/Zle/zle_main.c
+++ b/Src/Zle/zle_main.c
@@ -1067,6 +1067,7 @@ redrawhook(void)
 	int old_incompfunc = incompfunc;
 	char *args[2];
 	Thingy lbindk_save = lbindk, bindk_save = bindk;
+	struct modifier zmod_save = zmod;
@@ -1094,6 +1095,7 @@ redrawhook(void)
 	 * restore lastcmd manually so that we don't mess up the global state
 	lastcmd = lastcmd_prev;
+	zmod = zmod_save;

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