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Re: Rewrite of zsh-newuser-install (Mikael's subthread)

> On 7 Apr 2021, at 19:24, Daniel Shahaf <d.s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I think there's a distinction to be drawn between "stuff we should
> enable in the default zshrc" and "cool stuff that people might want to
> use, or read to learn about useful tricks/features".
> I agree with Mikael and Bart that most of your zshrc falls under the
> latter category.  That has its place (cf. Misc/vcs_info-examples), but
> it's too magical for the default.
> That's also one of the standard criticisms against oh-my-zsh, by the way.

I have heard many criticism against OMZ, but it being “too magical” is new to me. What exactly do you mean with that?

>> Some quotes:
>> "this zshrc offers a lot of tricks I personally wanted to use but didn't know they were already implemented; thanks a lot for shining a light on them!”
>> "I gave it a spin and it looks very nice, much less scary than the default one. I've checked the default .zshrc and it looks fine to me."
> If the author of the second quote wishes to join this thread, they're of
> course welcome to do so.  They might change their opinion, or change
> ours.

I’ve now CC’d them, plus the others from which I’ve gotten feedback, on this email.

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